Future government: Emmanuel Macron “tests names because he is a pervert”, believes ecologist Marine Tondelier – FranceInfo

by time news
  1. Future government: Emmanuel Macron “tests names because he is a pervert”, believes ecologist Marine Tondelier FranceInfo
  2. Live, the new prime minister: Emmanuel Macron “picks names that he knows won’t work” and plays the game of “who is who?” with Marine Le Pen”, denounces Marine Tondelier Le Monde
  3. “Perverted”, “humble”… Marine Tondelier confronts Emmanuel Macron, still looking for prime minister of West-France
  4. Emmanuel Macron was criticized by Marine Tondelier after an interview with L’Indépendant, saying “He wants to rely on the right under the benevolent eye of the National Rally.”
  5. “A delusion”, “a pervert”, “a child who refuses to get off the carousel”: the boss of the ecologist Marine Tondelier crushes Emmanuel Macron, good morning

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