Futuro Vegetal stains the headquarters of the PP and the PSOE in black

by time news

2023-04-24 21:29:19

Two militants from the collective against the climate crisis Futuro Vegetal have painted the facades of the Popular Party and PSOE headquarters, located on Génova and Ferraz streets respectively, this Monday afternoon with a fire extinguisher to denounce the financing of the meat industry.

On the façade of the building where the PSOE headquarters are located, the black paint stains extend through the entrance, erasing the party logo, while in the case of the PP, the paint also reaches the entrance door and the front located above with the initials of the formation. The logo, at the top, has only been lightly painted.

For this action, the National Police have arrested five people, as confirmed by police sources.

“We want to remove the mask from all politicians who say they care about the environment and the habitability of the territory but continue to participate in a government that finances ecocidal industries such as meat,” said one of the spokespersons for the group, according to a statement from the organization.

The group affirms that they are “tired of deception and false hopes” and criticize that corporations are willing to leave “a territory in ruins”, accusing politicians of being responsible for the “plunder and contamination that agri-food and electricity corporations are doing of common water resources.

This action is part of the “non-violent civil resistance” campaign that the group is promoting for the entire month of April and comes a few weeks after the academic director of the Water Economy Forum and law professor at the University of Granada, Estanislao Arana, warned at the UN Water Conference that in seven years some 829,000 people will die on the planet from contaminated water and sanitation.

five detainees

National Police agents have arrested a 41-year-old man and a 61-year-old woman for the crime of damage, resistance and disobedience to authority, police sources have indicated to Europa Press. As they have explained, shortly before seven in the evening these people have painted the socialist headquarters, at number 70 Ferraz street, with a black fire extinguisher on which a poster for Futuro Vegetal was read.

In the case of the PP, this act of vandalism with paint occurred at 6:55 p.m. and also reached the front door and the front located above with the initials of Partido Popular. The logo, at the top, has only been lightly painted.

The escort of the national president of the popularAlberto Núñez Feijóo, has alerted the National Police of the act at the headquarters of the ‘populars’, where this morning Alberto Núñez Feijóo has met his management committee at this national headquarters to plan the party’s strategy, as every Monday.

At the PP headquarters, the Police have intercepted two women aged 26 and 25 and a 48-year-old man on Zurbano street as alleged perpetrators of the act. Also in this case with a black paint fire extinguisher with the logo of Vegetable Future.

Alfonso Serrano accuses “the radical left”

Minutes after the act took place, the general secretary of the PP in Madrid, Alfonso Serrano, has assured that “the radical left tries to intimidate those who come to the PP acts and also at our headquarters.”

“And there are 34 days left. The best response in a democracy is May 28. Faced with their intolerance and radicalism, ballot boxes full of votes for freedom with GANAS,” he proclaimed on his official Twitter account, alluding to the campaign slogan of the Madrid president, Isabel Díaz Ayuso.

#Futuro #Vegetal #stains #headquarters #PSOE #black

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