G. Paluckas, who spoke about his purchases on two continents, kept one important detail silent

by times news cr

According to LRT journalists, G. Paluckas mentioned his property in two states himself only after receiving their questions, and he had not even declared one of the plots – he did so only after talking to the journalist.

The Social Democrat himself commented on such a misunderstanding in the Žinių radio program “Actualusis interviju”, experts in turn warn politicians that the public does not want to know about their assets out of curiosity.

Provided an explanation

“And where is your plot abroad? I was very amused by this question asked by a journalist I know recently. I’ve been waiting for a chance to brag for a long time, but everyone starts reading and taking an interest in politicians’ asset declarations only before the elections, so I had to endure.

Well, the fact that there are already people interested, I have something to tell you.

I understand that there are people who, just hearing that a politician is not barefoot and naked, do not have the noblest feelings, but it took me many years to learn to enjoy not only my own success, but also the success of others.

My family has two properties abroad, one in Brazil and one in Turkey. Of course, the initiative of these investment adventures belongs to me, my wife has nothing to do with it,” G. Paluckas wrote on Facebook this week.

The parliamentarian stated that he purchased the plot in Brazil for investment purposes last year, and in Turkey in 2020. However, shortly after his recording, LRT journalists pointed out that one of the plots had not been declared by G. Palucko until now, and he did so immediately after one of the journalists’ questions.

The Social Democrat also gave his explanation on the radio show – according to G. Paluck, this is just a “technical story”.

“Throughout the day, my fellow journalists analyzed and found out, asked the Supreme Commission for Official Ethics (VTEK) and received all the declarations for the last four years that there were no private interests in the declarations until March of this year, when it was renewed before the European Parliament elections.

Since that data was not automatically transferred to the new declaration, it fell out. When the journalists reminded me accordingly that those data are not available, I added – a little surprised, of course, but all those data are in the asset and income declarations,” explained the politician.

G. Paluckas excused himself that he could not really imagine how he could have hidden this information.

“All the more so since I have repeatedly commented to journalists about the purpose, circumstances, and investment issues of the purchased property. I’m talking about last year and this year as well,” the member of the Seimas testified.

Also, according to G. Palucka, one should sometimes feel the difference from family property declarations, which politicians fill out through the VMI declaration system.

“I really find it quite strange when some journalists say that assets or companies are undeclared. Apparently, this is not entirely true when those declarations are obvious and verifiable for all to see – especially in the politics of those running for office.

As for the private ones – I just explained the situation as it happened and that error is fixed. Thanks to the journalists who completed that investigation,” he said.

G. Paluckas kind of joked that he didn’t buy the real estate on the eve of the war in Ukraine.

“After all, there is no villa, but I think that all these stories acquire additional relevance or a certain shade, piquancy during the election period,” the social democrat guessed.

True, the politician has no questions for G. Landsberg himself, whose family villa in Greece has been the subject of a scandal for several weeks.

“I have not asked G. Landsberg a single question. To tell the truth, and I won’t ask – this is a family property, the circumstances of the purchase of the property are clear to me, there is no point in discussing the value or the price, who even understands what the price is and what the value is.

Whether the property was purchased for a family – I have no doubt, as I can see that this is a villa for living. Would the family leave if one or another conflict arose in Lithuania, God forbid, war – I don’t know, I won’t decide for G. Landsbergis.

I can take what he says as his word. And I hope that there won’t be a war and he won’t have to prove whether he said his words honestly or evaded them,” commented G. Paluckas.

The desire to know is not necessarily out of curiosity

Ingrida Kalinauskienė, the head of Transparency International’s branch in Lithuania, thought that after hearing stories about specific politicians and especially exotic countries, it may appear that only the curiosity of the public is activated, but the point is not in it.

“We want to know the property owned by our politicians and other people holding important positions and its value both in Lithuania and in other foreign countries, because we want to assess the value of that property and possible changes over time.

This means – what is the origin of that property, does that origin have a clear justification, taking into account the position held and other obligations. Also, property is an interest, so we want to preemptively prevent possible conflicts of interest when decisions are made, when voting is held and the like”, I. Kalinauskienė taught.

According to the specialist, it is worth bearing in mind that today society generally observes a relatively high level of mistrust of politicians. Therefore, the head of the “Transparency International” branch in Lithuania is convinced, a higher standard of their openness is needed.

“This means that it is necessary to tell more often and more clearly what the property is, where it is located, what is the origin of the property, in order to prevent possible speculations.”

When these conversations are avoided because they seem too private or too vague, leaving room for speculation, that’s where we find ourselves.

I would very much like such a more honest and clear explanation, because those questions are primarily related to the origin of the property and the validity of that origin”, asserted I. Kalinauskienė.

Responding to the history of G. Landsbergis family’s villa in Greece, the interviewer stated that it was only a matter of time before it became public.

“It is clear that before the elections, everyone is interested in the content of declarations – this is not the first time we have noticed this. After all, every time VMI publishes declarations and updates them during the summer period, and we can see how many discussions take place at that time and how many take place before the elections.

I think it was so clear here that those questions would arise. The question is whether there is a desire for someone else to put together that narrative and suggest whether to go out on their own and prevent events from happening”, commented I. Kalinauskienė.

According to the head of the “Transparency International” branch in Lithuania, it is generally not surprising that our politicians have assets abroad, so it is worth remembering and reviewing the content of their declarations for themselves, and not only when journalists read it and see discrepancies.

Politicians haven’t learned an important lesson yet?

For his part, political scientist Bernard Ivanov emphasized that the only interest of the public when it comes to politicians’ declarations is to find out whether there is illegal enrichment.

“The only thing that we, as a society, should care about is whether politicians have illegally accumulated some wealth from their political activities, whether there are signs of corruption and whether they have bought something with illegal funds. This is our interest and the goal of transparency,” the political scientist explained.

According to him, the politicians of Western countries have learned these lessons a long time ago and do not repeat such mistakes.

“Simply do not buy any villas or plots of land if you are in power. Neither for myself nor for family members. This will protect you from all problems, and after you may fall into the opposition, may already be an emeritus or otherwise withdraw from active activity, no one will care.

But our politicians don’t understand this and do that, that’s why they get such problems later”, thought B. Ivanovas.

The political scientist noticed another problem – according to him, our declaration system is very crooked and has a lot of loopholes.

“If someone really wants to hide something, he will hide it. He will wall off and no one will know. Therefore, both this story and the other story – all this is part of our political battles, torn by kompromats that did not go well, and that’s it.

I don’t think that Mr. G. Landsbergis or G. Paluck wanted to hide something – it’s just that there is a certain political immaturity, maybe too much arrogance, what we saw, and too much fighting.

And when you remember, in terms of public relations, you sink deeper and deeper and your reputation suffers. Although, apparently, they don’t care much about reputation, because the institute of reputation in Lithuanian politics has been buried for a long time and is of little interest to anyone. We have to regret it”, commented B. Ivanovas.

2024-08-31 08:29:38

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