Gabbani is back as a showman on TV, ‘but don’t call me ‘presenter’** – Libero Quotidiano

by time news

Rome, 7 April. ( – The showman is back on TV with the second edition of his ‘It takes a flower’ and doubles the appointment with two special prime time evenings, on 14 and 21 April on Rai1. I don’t pay, comes out today with the single ‘L’Abitudine’ which, so called, seems like an ironic title. It is a golden moment for Francesco Gabbani, very busy on many fronts and who thus tells the genesis of the single from today on the radio and in digital stores. “In ‘The Habit’ I try to jot down a series of reflections on the fact that sometimes we find ourselves trapped in compulsive consumerism, to have a status that makes us feel part of a community. It’s a habit of attitude , and I too often find myself stuck in this mechanism”.

An example? “The song takes this influx into shopping malls as a sample, where one goes to buy one thing and finds oneself buying something else one doesn’t feel the need for – punctuates the artist, whose song bears the signature of the Gabbani-Fabio Ilacqua couple, already together for the big hits like ‘Amen’, ‘Occidentali’s Karma’ and ‘We just wanted to be happy’ – Which is kind of the typical attitude we often have even in restaurants, so you want to emulate the table neighbor alone because you are born with an impulse born of the ego that finds an identity in this way, uniting itself with others in a repetitiveness of habitual mechanisms”. A reflection that does not offer solutions, but raises questions. “My songs propose a question and don’t give answers. They are questions that one can ask himself, or can stay there and repeat those behaviors without asking why”.

Even for an artist “it is certainly essential to realize that one must abstract from habit and repetition of behaviors to be creative – explains Gabbani – and in general I find this by immersing myself in nature. As everyone knows, I have a great passionate bond with nature , which leads me to look for energy recharge from there. There you listen to the silences and you distance yourself from everything that is technology”.

The return to the television scene of ‘Gabba’ stems from the love for nature, which after the warm welcome of the first edition, returns with ‘It takes a flower’, the first friendly show of the Italian television environment. A one man show with two special prime time evenings, on 14 and 21 April 2023 on Rai1, in an original format that combines the lightness of the variety show with the increasingly urgent theme of eco-sustainability. Gabbani will dance, duet, interpret some of his greatest hits and songs by other great songwriters, with his band enriched by some musicians and three backing vocalists. Two regular guests, Nino Frassica with his brilliant nonsense, and Mario Tozzi, the only guest with an informative component. Among the guests of the first episode Ornella Vanoni, will tell us about her passion for bees, Levante, Mr Rain, Alfa, actors like Francesco Arca, Stefania Sandrelli, Giusy Buscemi.

“The viewer must expect entertainment that passes through a variety mode – he tells Gabbani- To have fun, relax but at the same time I hope it arouses a sentimental conscience in respect of nature”. Sentimental because “it will be very focused on the emotional aspect, on feelings. I didn’t want to bore people with data and numbers, but to tell them why I’m an ecologist and this is a feeling for me and let them rediscover it too”. A program that requires considerable entertaining skills. “My talents as an ‘entertainer’? They are unaware, I have yet to ascertain them -jokes Gabbani- To be honest, I present myself in a very natural way and I bring to TV what I more or less do in live concerts: musical performances surrounded by theatrical moments that have an emotional leverage. Ironic but exciting”. A future on TV? “I’m not ruling it out, but it must have a meaning – he screens himself – I wouldn’t do TV in the pure sense of the term, I don’t see myself catapulted into the world of presenters. But you never know….”, says ‘Gabba’.

Which in the meantime is already projected into a very intense summer. “The summer will be engaged in live activities, which will end with a very special event – reveals Gabbani – and that is a concert event on my birthday in Carrara, on September 9, my city. I finally did it. It will be an opportunity to celebrate my journey with my fellow citizens who have always supported me, and then to let my fans from all over Italy know the places that have inspired me,” he concludes.

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