Gabriel Attal, a minister “not in demand” but very much in demand

by time news

Tuesday, late afternoon. It is getting dark in the office of the Minister Delegate for Public Accounts, in the modern Bercy liner. Gabriel Attal picks up his phone to ask that the light be turned on for him. “Well yes, there are no switches inside the office, they are outside,” he explains. The excellent stewardship of the Ministry of Economy and Finance obviously has its limits. He returns from twenty-four hours in the Gers, “where I was told more about inflation, medical deserts than pensions”. The minister has almost already moved on, moreover: he talked about tax evasion in The Parisian Wednesday evening, and was on France Info this Thursday morning.

It is visible, Gabriel Attal. Surprisingly identified for the – only – 21st member of the government in the protocol order. He is also the second most popular in February’s Ifop barometer, behind his N+1, Bruno Le Maire. It must be said that he is everywhere, Gabriel Attal. Finally, especially on pensions in recent weeks. And the Minister responsible for the Budget to recall that the amending social security finance bill (PLFRSS), the legislative vehicle for pension reform, is in his domain.

Passion Parliament

Thus, he often formed a doublet on the bench of ministers, during the two weeks of debate in the Assembly, with Olivier Dussopt, the Minister of Labour. “We had agreed that he would be in the ”front line” on the special regimes, the senior index, and I in support when necessary… It was planned that I would be in the front line on the tax and social amendments. Except that we spent a lot of time on the amendments on alternative financing proposed by the left. “It’s true that suddenly, I was largely involved in the volume of time spent on the bench”, almost laments Gabriel Attal.

No chance ? No, not really, the minister delegate adores the Assembly. “It’s a place, whatever people say, which is very much alive. Even more since the new Assembly. It is certain that because of the large number of amendments proposed by the left, we did not necessarily go to the substance of the subjects but more to political contests ”. Not all uninteresting, he agrees: “I like debates and there, I was served. This is also why the former spokesperson, the youngest member of a French government in history, was aiming for the budget. “It’s a ministry where we spend a lot of time in Parliament; obviously all fall with the budget, then in the spring on the evaluation part. He also finds there the “transversal” side of the spokesperson “but on the bottom”.

It’s a gift

Gabriel Attal is also the one who sends the arrows. From the first day of the debates in session at the Assembly, with his formula “it’s reform or bankruptcy”, he set the tone in a very offensive speech. Against the right? “Here we are at the time when on the electoral interest, it will be necessary to put the general interest first […], (go) against the popularity of the moment”. Against the left? “Before being an opposition party, you are a tax party, you only think of one thing, taxing the French”. And it’s not over. On February 15, decidedly very comfortable and master of space, he turned to Nupes, “the obstruction camp”, then to the RN, “the diversion camp”, finally to his own. , “the protection camp”.

“I tried not to be only on the defensive but also to be offensive to put the opposition, in particular Nupes, on the defensive on certain subjects. “What wake up a majority sometimes a little sluggish, and Gabriel Attal does not hide that it was part of the plan, to the delight of the Macronist deputies. It’s not fan service, but almost. “He’s our puncher! Rejoices Nadia Hai, Renaissance MP (RE) for Yvelines. He excels in his speeches, each time he hits where it hurts. “Behind my interventions, there were substantive arguments, which demonstrated the concrete impact of their proposals on the French. And I also had the idea that parliamentarians could take it up locally, in the media. It’s useful for everyone”, even says Gabriel Attal. It’s a gift.

His attitude in any case contrasted with that of Olivier Dussopt. Very technical, uncharismatic, the Minister of Labor is often considered “anaesthetic” by the opposition. Oppositions – especially on the left – which have also attacked Olivier Dussopt much more than Gabriel Attal, almost spared. “I am happy to see you because at least you answer our questions”, conceded the rebellious Antoine Léaument in the Hemicycle. “I am sure that you too want to spend more time with us”, added, in his usual playful tone, the deputy LFI Hadrien Clouet, who met him at Science Po.

“Absolute bad faith”

“He is strong, he knows how to answer and type,” remarks the deputy from Toulouse. A godsend for a rebellious leader: “He has a little thickness, he offers catches, the others are ectoplasmic. “” He is a good debater, we feel that he likes to be in the Assembly, he is skilful, notes the president of the environmental group, Cyrielle Châtelain. But it’s still better when it’s based on facts! “Basically, the left as a whole accuses him of “absolute bad faith”, always according to the ecologist. “At least he’s looking for ways to counter-argue. He makes politics, at least the debate is clear, we have to make a real economic choice and right-left society. »

Remobilize the troops, attack the camp opposite… This is undoubtedly the function of a “political” minister, as opposed to members of the government who come from civil society, with a more expert, more technical profile. “Frankly, fortunately we have it, on pensions and on the rest”, explains a government adviser admiring the “specimen”. There is Darmanin, Le Maire, Véran, but otherwise, macronie lacks this type of profile. “Having people come from civil society is one reason for Emmanuel Macron’s success in 2017. But the other side of the coin is that these ministers may find it more difficult to carry politically what we fact, “blows the entourage of Gabriel Attal.

“Where he is ‘smart’ is that he manages to make all the budgetary subjects”, notes the adviser quoted above. “The fact is that money is the sinews of war,” justifies the minister modestly. “It is important, in this very political period, to have ministers capable of rising on subjects which mark opinion”, believes the deputy RE of the French people living abroad Pieyre-Alexandre Anglade. “You shouldn’t deprive yourself of your qualities even if it’s not directly on your wallet,” adds Nadia Hai.

See with management

This is precisely what can upset some of his colleagues. “He must be a little vigilant, warns a ministerial adviser. His activism can be annoying or frustrating for his colleagues. “” There can be jealousy … I was not born yesterday, even if I am young, I know how it works, politics “, sweeps Attal, not yet 34 years old. “He does not always warn when he goes up on such and such a subject”, affirms the same adviser. Always disconcerting with serenity, Gabriel Attal is categorical: “I have never come up on a subject without it not only being validated but often requested by my hierarchy. »

The debate on France 2 on pensions against Clémentine Autain, Jordan Bardella and Éric Ciotti? “I wasn’t particularly in demand…” The 20 hours of TF1, a statutory appointment, what is more for a young minister who is rising? No more. Gabriel Attal, on the other hand, was absent from the press conference presenting the pension reform. “I was announced, finally it didn’t happen because once again, I’m not particularly in demand. But when you need me, I answer. »


Listening to him, Gabriel Attal therefore lets himself be carried away by events, with no other desire than to help out. “It’s a bit like that, anyway! he dares. But the good soldier underlines, with the air of not touching it, his medals won in combat. Benalla case: “I was only a deputy, there were not many people to go to the sets. When I was asked the question, I answered. “Crisis of “yellow vests”: “Special broadcast on France 2 with Jean-Luc Mélenchon, no one wanted to go to the government, I find myself, last in the protocol order, in front of 6 million viewers as a bonus. »

Gabriel Attal wants to make a “trademark” his attitude as a loyal lieutenant “who never shied away when it was difficult”. And on pensions, “a difficult reform”, if his “hierarchy” asks him to get involved, he will “not do things by halves”.

Less fooled but just as laudatory, a macronie adviser sees in Gabriel Attal an “excellent strategist, fascinating in his determination, in his loyalty and in his desire to tear everything up”. Ditto for his entourage, animated, according to this source, by this “same desire to smash everything”: “His team is his strength. He has ”sharks” around him. »

If we want to believe in his loyalty to the President of the Republic, all this strategy is perhaps not there only for the beauty of the gesture. From his office in Bercy, where he overlooks the Seine, the elected official from Hauts-de-Seine is credited with ambitions for the municipal elections of 2026 in Paris. “I am not preparing a campaign, no candidacy”, assures the one who “ [s’]forbidden to [se] ask the question” to stay focused on the budget. But, but… you know what it is, if ever asked…

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