Gabriel Attal announces an increase of 12.5 billion euros for the ministries of education, labor and solidarity

by time news

The government assures that it would be an increase “unpublished”. The executive wishes to increase by 11.4%, that is to say by 12.5 billion euros, the credits allocated to the ministries of education, labor and solidarity in the 2023 budget, announced the minister delegate in charge of public accounts, Gabriel Attal, in an interview published Monday, August 8 in The echoes.

“The employment budget will increase in particular by 6.7 billion, in particular in order to finance the ramp-up of apprenticeship, with a target of 1 million apprentices by the end of the five-year period”he detailed.

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The Ministry of National Education “will benefit from a historic increase (+ 3.6 billion) of its loans. The commitment of the President of the Republic to the continuation of the salary increase will be kept and no teacher will enter the career with less than 2,000 euros net”assured Mr. Attal.

Increases for justice and ecological transition

Additional funds will also be allocated to the Ministries of Defence, Interior, Justice and Foreign Affairs, says the Minister, promising a budget increase of “6.1 billion euros”.

“A very significant increase that we assume in order to meet in particular the commitment to increase army credits by 3 billion in 2023, but also the objectives of Beauvau security, which provides for the doubling of the presence of the forces of the armed forces. order on the ground by 2030”said Mr. Attal.

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The budget of the Ministry of Justice will increase by 8% “ in order to continue the recruitment of new magistrates and to respect the plans for the construction of new prison places”. As for the Ministries of Ecological Transition and Territorial Cohesion and that of Agriculture, they “will have an additional 3.3 billion euros”.

Commitment to lower public spending

Despite these increases, “broad public spending will decline by 0.3% in volume terms next year”explains Mr. Attal, before adding:

” The document (…) provides that State budget appropriations will amount to 339 billion euros in 2023, i.e. virtual stability in value compared to the level post-amendment finance law, and a decrease of 2.5% in volume . This will make it possible to maintain the objective of a deficit at 5% of GDP [produit intérieur brut] next year while funding our priorities. »

On the other hand, the minister does not deliver any details on the savings projects that will have to be carried out to balance this budget. The 2023 finance bill, which will be discussed in the National Assembly in the fall, promises bitter debates with the opposition.

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The World with AFP

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