Gabriel Attal in the United States to talk about tax evasion

by time news

The Minister of Public Accounts concluded a visit aimed at improving « information transfer » transatlantic tax evasion.

By IM with AFP

The Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal was traveling to the United States to strengthen cooperation in the fight against tax evasion.
The Minister of Public Accounts Gabriel Attal was on a trip to the United States to strengthen cooperation in the fight against tax evasion.

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Gabriel Attal ended Tuesday, February 28 a visit of several days in the United States. For the French Minister of Public Accounts, it was a question of improving « information transfer » on both sides of the Atlantic, particularly in terms of tax evasion. In an interview with AFP, Gabriel Attal points out that « the ability to obtain information has become decisive and progress in this area is essential for all countries ».

The question of fraud as a whole must in fact be the subject of an action plan which will be presented by the Minister« end of first trimester or beginning of second ». « I want to tackle tax, social and customs fraud. We tend too much to take care of one or the other, rarely the third, we wish on our side to act on the whole »insisted the Minister of Public Accounts.

VAT fraud in the viewfinder

The plan must include quantified objectives « depending on the type of fraud »added Gabriel Attal, but also an evaluation body « in order to better understand the level of fraud » who are currently « highly estimated (…). I would like us to be able to equip ourselves with tools on the subject ».

« The big point today is VAT fraud, quantified by INSEE at more than 20 billion euros per year »said Gabriel Attal, « a major project is electronic invoicing between companies which will gradually come into force from July 1, 2024. In Italy, the only country to have implemented it, an additional two billion euros were collected in the first year ».

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The visit to the United States also made it possible to study the way in which the American tax services (IRS) rely on « intelligence techniques on very high-stakes fraud in order to be able to support and prove things and then move towards the judicialization of cases, that’s one of the things I’m looking at ».

« Improve complementarity »

The Minister also took advantage of his visit to observe in practice the operation of the American Customs and Borders Agency (CBP), launched in 2003 and which France wishes to draw inspiration from in order to launch « greater cooperation between customs and border police ».

« The idea is not to merge in France »as has been done in the United States, « but to improve complementarity as we have been able to do in the field of the fight against drug trafficking, with a common umbrella while leaving autonomy to each entity »detailed Gabriel Attal.

President Biden’s climate plan (IRA), which is still causing concern in Europe, was also the subject of exchanges, the minister insisting with his interlocutors on the risk « that a race for protectionism between the United States and Europe will only benefit one country: China. It is important to act to have a transatlantic green transition market that benefits everyone. »

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