Gafni attacked his friends and explained: ‘This is what will make us run separately’

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MK Moshe Gafni was hosted on Saturday in the city of Lod and participated in the ‘Oneg Shabbat’ of the yeshiva students there, where he felt open and liberated, to deal with all political issues, and to have an opinion, about Shas, Smutrich and Ben Gvir, walking with Netanyahu and of course the reactions On his granddaughter’s wedding about two weeks ago, the words and the transcript that were delivered are published tonight (Sunday) for the first time in ‘Shabbat Square’.

His full words

At first he started with a topical Turk about Pinchas’ zealotry and later, he started talking about burning issues in Israeli politics.

“About two weeks ago I married my granddaughter,” Gafni began, saying: “On Shabbat Sheva Brachot I said that Yair Lapid sat with me that week and told me that he agrees that there will be yeshiva students who study Torah, but not in the amount you want.” “Let them study ultra-Orthodox education – but not in the way I want, I replied – that Black, who was a Gentile, got to read a Torah parsha after him, because he said the things he wanted out loud – and did not get smart and said, I want you to study Torah as I want.”

“I must say that people tried to create the impression that following the Minister of Transport Michaeli attended my granddaughter’s wedding – so that means I changed my mind – so I say here, I have not changed and I have not moved my mind for forty years, unlike others who have changed their positions.”

“Unlike Shas, we did not go with the left”

“On Saturday night I saw Aryeh Deri text ‘I do not go with the left’, I do not know what he is happy, I have not gone with the left for forty years – and not only in recent years,” Gafni teased Deri and added: “We go all the years with the Likud, because That he represents the traditional public in Israel and we have been with Netanyahu for all the last few years and we will continue to go with him, because he represents the traditional, we do not interfere with the Likud if there are not 61 seats – and they will want to replace their chairman, but I say again With Netanyahu and the Likud. “

Gafni went on to sharply attack ‘religious Zionism’: “Smutrich and Ben Gvir are like Lapid, Ben Gvir encourages going up to the Temple Mount which is a Cretan ban, and Smutrich encourages giving budgets to a multi-fall rabbi who is half-reformist and he just says ‘he has disagreements with him’, “There is a total ban on participating in elections, and the rabbis said that it is only allowed to vote for ultra-Orthodox parties.”

“There are three people we will never forgive”

When the guys asked, if any parties sat in the coalition, did he not sit with Lapid? Gafni replied: “We will get along with everyone, only with three we will not get along, we will not forgive them and we will not sit with them and these – Yvette Lieberman, who six years ago asked me to put him in Rabbi Kanievsky to bless him and after I introduced him, he told me that The Shechinah, what he did not feel in all the dozens of rabbis he was with, when I went back to Rabbi Kanievsky and told him this, he asked me, how does Yvette know what this Shechinah is, that evil wicked man, wants to throw us all with wheelbarrows to the landfill, even after he left From politics, I will never forgive him forever. “

Gafni went on to name the politicians for whom he is a persona non grata: “The other is Joaz Handel, he is an evil villain, a brat, who should be borrowed,” when the boys were interested in what was so bad about Handel’s reforms, he just wanted to abolish the Rabbinical Committee for Communications – Gafni replied: “It is true that there are problems with the same rabbinical committee and in this water, we are working to open a new committee, the issue is not the rabbinical committee, but the ultra-Orthodox public has respect, a person who sits without a dome and a leg when rabbis come to him – he A man who will never be forgiven. “

“I talk to everyone – and do not shake the suit”

“The third person,” Gafni added, “is Matan Kahana, who tried to destroy every good part, in all Jewish areas, and he tried to dig inside the ultra-Orthodox public, even if he was not forgiven or forgiven,” when the boys asked about a meeting with Gideon Saar and Bnei Gantz. Gafni replied: “We will not sit with Saar or Ganz, we will sit with the traditional public, even if there are no 61, we will go to the great men of Israel and consult with them on how to behave, it is not that I do not talk to them, I talk to everyone, even to Lapid And I do not shake my suit after I talk to me (Gafni teased Litzman. H.B.), but I repeat that we go with the traditionalists. “

Asked by the guys why they did not join the current government – instead of Lieberman, Gafni replied: “The answer to that as I say all the time, we only go with the traditionalists.”

“We will not play games – we will demand reforms

“I will not play games, in the next coalition we sit in, I will demand reform in the judicial system and enact the overcoming clause, which only today in the Likud understand how necessary this bill of mine is.”

When Gafni was asked about Belza’s joining the MMA, Gafni replied: We are not changing anything from what our masters instructed us to do. “

“I do not know what they suddenly remembered to ask about the Rebbe of Belza, we have our rabbis and according to whom we have been going for decades.”

Will you run separately from Agudat Israel? Gafni was asked and replied: “No decision has been made yet, but we are aware that it will cause a lot of controversy, but because of the joint run there are many who remain at home, so we have to do a mental calculation. In Jerusalem, we got six seats, in Haifa we got two and they barely one. In Safed as well, despite this, there is still no decision and we are waiting for the decision of the great men of Israel. “

The office of the chairman of Degel HaTorah, MK Moshe Gafni, stated in response that Rabbi Gafni spoke to the yeshiva students at the Saturday night meal and that the things quoted in the article are clearly inaccurate.

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