Gafni met with Netanyahu; It turns out: this is the next Minister of Transportation The picture of the situation from him

by time news

The coalition negotiations: Efforts continue among the parties of the right-wing bloc in an attempt to form a government. Yesterday there was significant progress in the talks, in light of Aryeh Deri’s agreement to give up the treasury portfolio to Smotrich, in exchange for receiving several portfolios in addition to the front. Meanwhile, it appears that the transportation portfolio will remain in Likud and will be awarded to MK Eli Cohen.

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The frantic efforts continue today (Tuesday), in an attempt to reach agreements between Torah Judaism and Likud and between Smotritz and Derai, in order to replace Knesset Speaker Miki Levy as quickly as possible. The main dispute between Likud and Torah Judaism is the issue of the files that the list headed by Yitzhak Goldknopf will receive.

Itamar Ben Gvir: “Without restoring security and governance – we cannot be in the government” (Photo: Knesset Channel)

As part of the talks between Smotrich and the Likud, the two sides have not yet reached an agreement regarding the transfer of powers from the Ministry of Finance to the interior, something which the religious Zionist chairman insists on preventing. In the Otzma Yehudit sector, the assumption is that if they give up the Negev and Galilee case, the Likud will receive an equally large case in its importance. However, List chairman Ben Gabir continues to clarify as of now that he will not enter the government without the case in question.

Earlier, Knesset member Moshe Gafni was interviewed by “Kan”, and attacked: “I am angry that I am going to receive fewer cases than I deserve. I will meet with Netanyahu and Riv Levin on the issue. Others who delay the formation of the government for cases receive much more.” Gafni and Netanyahu held a meeting this evening. “We are trying to come to an understanding – he smiles because of the coffee and not because of anything else,” Gafni said at the end of the meeting.

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