“Galant prolongs Avraham Yair Yared’s administrative detention: Bride’s hopes dashed”

by time news

Defense Minister Yoav Galant has authorized an additional three-month administrative arrest warrant against Avraham Yair Yared, a resident of Yitzhar in Samaria. Yared had previously been taken into custody on an administrative arrest warrant about four months ago, despite being released by the court. His wedding, originally scheduled for next month, had to be postponed due to his arrest. Yared’s father, Shai, is critical of the government, calling it worse than any left-wing government he has seen. He accused the government of carrying out excessive administrative arrests and doing little to protect Jews in the wake of recent shooting attacks. While Yared remains optimistic, attorney Adi Kider, representing him on behalf of the Honnu organization, believes the decision to extend administrative detention to a month before his wedding is unacceptable.

Defense Minister Yoav Galant this morning (Sunday) signed an administrative arrest warrant for an additional three months against Avraham Yair Yared, a resident of Yitzhar in Samaria.

About four months ago Yard was arrested on an administrative arrest warrant, despite the court’s decision to release him, and was scheduled to be released from custody this morning.

Yared’s wedding was supposed to take place next month, which he postponed for several months due to the arrest, but even this fact did not prevent Gallant from ordering the extension of his arrest.

Shai Yared, Avraham Yair’s father, said in a conversation with Channel 7: “I don’t know what to say anymore, we were already on our way to get him out of prison, now the bride is heartbroken and has nothing to say.” Yared finds it difficult to understand the Defense Minister’s decision: “We are carrying out attack after attack and my son is now after four months of administrative detention, before which he was not long ago in another detention of three months.”

Yared voices a sharp criticism of the right-wing government: “We elected a right-wing government and got a government worse than a left-wing government. An absurd amount of administrative arrests, since the disengagement there has been nothing like this. I don’t know what motivates them, probably foreign considerations, certainly not good for Israel or its security. What motivates them to do nothing, now there was a shooting attack in Hvara, apart from administrative arrests against Jews they did nothing.”

Laird has two messages for the government: “The personal message is that I don’t know what they are thinking when they break the hearts of a bride and groom a month before a wedding, without a trial and without anything as if there are no other solutions. The public message is to come to your senses, Jews are being murdered here and all you are doing is a gesture Arabs and Jews are treated harshly.”

Despite this, Yared tries to remain optimistic: “In Nisan we have been redeemed and in Nisan we will be redeemed, I hope that this month will turn into salvation for us instead of exile and deepening troubles.”

Attorney Adi Kider, who represents Avraham Yair Yard on behalf of the Honnu organization, also regrets the decision of the Minister of Defense: “First of all, how it was done, a person is about to be released and at the last minute they inform him that he is not released. The decision stems from the Shin Bet’s recommendation, and the Defense Minister is a rubber stamp. Unfortunately, after the behavior we saw on his part yesterday, it corresponds with how he conducts himself.”

The decision to extend administrative detention on the day of release and a month before a wedding is unacceptable, according to lawyer Kidar. “A person of his age who was in prison, it is impossible to say that if he is even in restrictive conditions outside of Judea and Samaria it endangers public peace. A young man who is trying to make some kind of change and was already in prison, so why now attribute things to him while he was in prison? All the commotion In Hvara was when he was in prison, in my eyes this whole order is exaggerated.”

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