Galatina, with the «Rigoletto», the Cavallino Bianco theater reopens

by time news

twelve o’clock, November 11, 2021 – 13:40

Saturday 13 November Marco Baliani’s version of Verdi’s opera. The theater will be open to the public from the morning

On Saturday 13 November the Cavallino Bianco Theater will reopen for the entire community of Galatina, after long years of renovation and modernization works. The reopening was also preceded by a participatory process of citizenship, by the Mecenate90 association, which involved associations, institutions, schools and operators in the sector. The ribbon cutting, accompanied by the notes of the “San Gabriele dell’Addolorata” Band directed by Maestro Loredana Cal, will take place at 10.30 with the interventions of the mayor of Galatina Marcello Amante and the president of the Puglia Region Michele Emiliano. The presence of the Regional Councilor Alessandro Delli Noci and the President of the Regional Council Loredana Capone as well as a large participation of Mayors, cultural associations, citizens and educational institutions of the area (compulsory booking and green pass) are expected.

Doors open all month

The doors of the theater will remain open throughout the month of November hosting a rich and qualified program of shows that will bring artists known to the general public to Galatina, from Daniel Pennac to Gabriele Lavia, from Gino Castaldo to Nicoletta Manni- Timofej Andrijasenko, from Luigi Fracasso to Virgilio Sieni, from Michelangelo Campanale to Ippolito Chiarello, from Mariangela Gualtieri to Fredy Franzutti and Corrado Abbati.

Rigoletto by Marco Baliani

The program of shows will open with the same title with which the Cavallino Bianco was opened in 1949: on stage Saturday 13 November at 8.45 pm Marco Baliani, actor, playwright, theater director and writer among the inventors of the theater arrives in Galatina. narration, which proposes its own theatrical-musical version of Verdi’s Rigoletto. Baliani rewrote the story of Verdi’s famous buffoon, transporting it to a second-rate twentieth-century circus. The protagonist is a former trapeze artist who years and a serious stage accident, in which his wife died, have reduced himself to performing as a clown. Admission to the opening ceremony on Saturday 13th at 10.30 is free, with reservation and green pass. For Rigoletto, the full ticket will cost 20 euros, 10 for under 25 and over 65. For students of the UniSalento and the Academy of Fine Arts it will be reduced to 5 euros.

November 11, 2021 | 13:40

© Time.News

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