Galli-Storace, clash on tv on ‘gag’ masks

by time news

The masks continue to light up the spirits. ‘Gag’ on which to fight for freedom, or an instrument of protection still necessary, to be removed with caution? It is on these positions that the question and answer on TV took place between the infectious disease specialist Massimo Galli, who invites us not to abandon caution and “not to consider the mask a gag”, and the journalist Francesco Storace who talks about freedom and ” sacrifices made by a people “.

The clash is broadcast at ‘Agorà’ on Rai 3. “I put myself on the other side of the TV and I have more confusion than when we started – attacks Storace – I am an ordinary citizen, I underwent the double vaccination with discipline and I want to know when this story ends according to science. It is unthinkable that everything depends on a mask “. Galli defines “stupid” to make the mask a battle for freedom. Storace challenges the ‘trial’ to the word “gag”. “I’m tired of hearing decision makers criminalized without self-criticism from hundreds of virologists who came on television to terrorize us,” says Storace. Galli’s reply was immediate, quoting, “as a layman”, the English humanist Thomas More, and adding: “Compared to certain politicians, we must accept the fact that their heads do not change anyway”.

The debate moves to personal tones (with Storace saying of Galli “when he sees patients if he is always on TV”, and the infectious disease specialist announcing his retirement in November, specifying that patients will continue to reach him “anyway, while I don’t think anyone has gone to Storace for some time to ask for advice “). The last word comes from the scientist: “I would like to emphasize that it is still time to be careful. And we are careful to make fun of caution – he warns – especially if it is based on data. The results are never optimal. Even if I can understand that people are tired “.

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