Gamarra says that on the 24th they are calling for “a PP event within the framework of the investiture” and there is no formal invitation to Vox

by time news

2023-09-14 20:22:25

The general secretary of the PP, Cuca Gamarra, assured this Thursday that on September 24 the PP has called “an event of the Popular Party” within the framework of the investiture of Alberto Núñez Feijóo that will be held two days later, and has He added that, as an “open” event, “nothing prevents” any citizen or organization from attending, conveying the idea that his party is not considering a formal invitation to Vox.

In a press conference in Congress, after the meeting of the Board of Spokespersons, Gamarra explained that it is a “political act promoted and promoted by the Popular Party within the framework of an investiture process.”

“It is open, if there are other citizens, other organizations that say they want to attend, then nothing prevents someone from attending, so they should let us know,” she stated when expressly asked if she is going to invite leaders from other parties after Feijóo invite Javier Esparza (UPN) to join, if it is an event open to other groups and what would you think if a Vox leader attended.

Minutes earlier, from Murcia, the leader of Vox, Santiago Abascal, indicated that he does not know if his party is invited to the event called by the PP in the Plaza de España in Madrid in defense of the equality of citizens. “We hope to know in the next few hours,” he said.

Last night, the leader of the PP invited the constitutionalists to join this act against the possible amnesty that the Government of Pedro Sánchez and the independentists are negotiating and said that “it is worth demonstrating” in the face of what he considers the “biggest cacicada” that have seen in Spanish democracy since its origins.

Gamarra explained that “if the weather permits” the PP wants it to be “outdoors because it is an open event, to which any citizen who wants to attend can do so” because they are going to defend “equality between all Spaniards.” “We want it to be in an open space so that it is not only a political party act but also an act that any citizen who considers it can join, but it is an act of the Popular Party within the framework of an investiture,” he added. The popular party plans to celebrate it in Plaza de España, although sources from the Madrid PP have admitted that they are looking for an alternative closed space in case it rains that day.

Regarding whether they could invite other parties, as Feijóo did yesterday with Esparza, Gamarra has indicated that “if there are other parties that want to,” they can go. “We respect freedom for everyone and therefore we are not like the Socialist Party that now says who can speak, they order silence or say what each citizen can do,” he stated.

Without specifying

When asked if Feijóo will attend the demonstration against the amnesty that has been called in Barcelona on October 8 by the Catalan Civil Society, to which Isabel Díaz Ayuso has confirmed her attendance, Gamarra has indicated that this protest has the full support of the PP but does not He has specified whether the leader of the PP will attend. “When those dates get closer and according to the agendas, we will see who comes,” she added.

As for whether the PP will invite José María Aznar to its event on the 24th, after the former president has said that he does not know exactly what has been called, but if the PP asks him to go, of course he will go. to be there, Gamarra has indicated that “when the event is a little more concrete” and they have “all the details, they will tell you who the people attending are.” “And of course it is an act that is open to the entire PP and all the leaders and if there are significant people in the Popular Party they are obviously its presidents of the Government,” indicated the PP spokesperson in Congress.

“No one is going to silence them”

Asked later how she values ​​Aznar’s words assuring that a possible new coalition of PSOE and Sumar with the independentists does not have to be ungovernable and could exhaust a four-year term, Gamarra pointed out that “he is absolutely right” because “one thing “is that it is ungovernable and another thing is that they are not willing to put up with carts and carts to stay in power, which are two different things.”

Gamarra has criticized the statements of the vice president Yolanda Díaz and the socialist spokesperson in Congress, Patxi López, criticizing the event called in Madrid by the PP, and that, in his opinion, “freedom of expression is not recognized or respected, neither the right to demonstrate, nor political pluralism”.

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