Gambling SA bets heavily on entering sports betting

by time news

The B-Gaming SA Sucursal Paraguay and Gambling SA consortium presented the highest offer in the sports betting tender, where it competes with two other companies.

According to the company’s estimates, in a five-year concession, the State would have an annual collection of around USD 27 million by Gambling.

Half of that canon will be delivered to the National Secretary of Sports. In addition, 30% of the proceeds will be shared with the Directorate of Charity and Social Assistance (Dibén), an entity that urgently needs resources to serve the most vulnerable sectors of the country.

“We believe that our offer is significantly superior to the others and not only because of all the money it means, but also because of the economic, legal, experience and moral solvency that we have with this consortium,” added Néstor Povigna, representative of the B-Gaming Consortium. SA Paraguay Branch and Gambling SA.

healthy competition

It is the first time that Gambling SA will enter the sports betting business to compete and introduce new experiences to players.

The market continues to evolve and new technologies make sports betting available to everyone, anywhere in the world.

“Gambling SA also intends to venture into e-sports, we want to get on the ball of world trends and Paraguay will not be out of it”, Povigna mentioned.

Through the internet, you can bet on any sport, from a local classic to an England classic. The company seeks to bid on a profitable business, which generates USD 120 million in just one year.

out-of-the-box consortium Gambling SA has distinguished itself by its marketing style and commercial power. The effort to innovate and get out of the mold has generated successful products in the national market, its representatives point out.

“Gambling SA has a network of 123 distributors and five thousand people on the street who can be a powerful marketing network. The marketing ideas we have can make a significant difference in the market. That means increasing the bet”, stated Néstor Povigna, representative of the B-Gaming SA Consortium Branch Paraguay and Gambling SA.

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