Game-changer mRNA vaccines Save the lives of cancer patients?

by time news

The UK government announced plans to participate in the research. mRNA cancer vaccine in partnership with pharmaceutical company German bioentech with the signing of the agreement

Although mRNA technology or messenger ribonucleic acid is new. But after the success of using this technology to produce a vaccine against COVID-19 with Pfizer Scientists have therefore moved on to use the same technology in vaccine trials to be used in patients with cancer.

It is expected that by the end of 2030 there will be cancer patients both from actual treatment. And in the trial phase to receive this personalized cancer vaccine for up to 10,000 people, but because cancer is a complex disease Patients may need multiple doses of the vaccine to stimulate the immune system to stay on the lookout.

Game-changer mRNA vaccines  Save the lives of cancer patients?

Ugur Sahin, Founder and Chief Executive of bioentech company The German pharmaceutical manufacturer has stated that the project will be aimed at cancer immunotherapy. Various infectious disease vaccines which hopes to pin the bioentech’s destination in the UK To develop vaccines using technology that the company has been researching and developing for more than 20 years.

The steps after this is the selection of experimental participants and place to be used for testing In order to have the vaccine ready for use in the second half of 2023, some of the patients participating in the trial will be patients who have previously had cancer and have already been cured. And hope that the vaccine will help prevent their cancer from coming back.

In addition, Bioentech will open a research and development center. There will be about 70 staff stationed in Cambridge. It will also set up its regional headquarters in London.

Game-changer mRNA vaccines  Save the lives of cancer patients?

mRNA technology, effective treatment option for cancer

Scientists say mRNA vaccines could be a game-changer in the fight against many diseases because they can trigger immune responses. By injecting genetic molecules that code for key parts of the pathogen into human cells. Plus, this vaccine takes less time to develop than traditional vaccines.

Dr Ian Falks, Executive Director of Cancer Research and Innovation UK It identified mRNA vaccines as one of the most exciting research developments and developments. that came out during the COVID pandemic and it is highly likely that This vaccine may become a good alternative to cancer treatment. It wouldn’t have been possible without cooperation. and a conducive environment for the UK’s efficient research and development. which greatly supports the work of the staff

Game-changer mRNA vaccines  Save the lives of cancer patients?

However, governments should be mindful of issues that may hinder trials. as a shortage of staff and cancer patients as a result of the epidemic Causing staff to work more And there may not be enough time to support medical trials. As a result, the process of finding new treatments is further delayed. There were also concerns expressed by activists who came out early to appeal to the British government. about a cancer vaccine that will be produced for use in the future if the trial is successful To ensure that the price of the vaccine that will be released will not be too expensive for the general public to access. Because no matter how effective the drug is If patients who truly need treatment can’t buy and use It would be of no use whatsoever.

Author : Ajumma Opal

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