Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province promotes Gangwon tourism to Vietnam and Laos… and engages in intensive on-site marketing

by times news cr

2024-04-08 19:49:13

Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province promotes the charm of Gangwon tourism to Vietnam and Laos. Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province (Governor Kim Jin-tae) and the Gangwon Tourism Foundation (CEO Choi Seong-hyun) will conduct intensive Gangwon tourism on-site marketing in Vietnam for four days from April 11 to 14 to attract tourists from the Southeast Asian market, which has recently been showing rapid recovery. It goes out.

As of 2023, Vietnam ranks 5th in total tourism to Korea, with 420,000 tourists visiting Korea. In particular, Vietnam’s visa-free entry system is implemented through Yangyang International Airport, making it a key market in Southeast Asia.

For this Gangwon tourism promotional sales, about 20 organizations and companies, including Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province (Director Global Headquarters), Tourism Foundation (CEO), 13 cities and counties in the province, High1 Resort, Legoland, and Gangwon overseas travel agencies, jointly participated. Therefore, we plan to carry out various promotional and marketing activities to target the Vietnamese market.

First, we plan to participate in Vietnam’s largest international tourism fair (VITM) held at the Hanoi ICE exhibition hall and intensively promote the charms of Gangwon tourism through quiz events and experience zones for visitors.

In addition, on April 11, the first day of the expo’s opening, a ‘media conference’ and a ‘Gangwon Tourism Promotion Briefing’ will be held jointly with the Korea Tourism Organization (Hanoi Branch) by inviting about 100 local Vietnamese travel industry and media outlets.

Through this, we plan to introduce various Gangwon tourism contents such as ▲Korean Wave, ▲Wellness, ▲Winter, and Festivals, and actively encourage the development of stay-type Gangwon tourism products through business exchanges between Gangwon Tourism sales representatives and the Vietnamese travel industry.

In addition, this sale will strengthen East Asian tourism diplomatic cooperation between Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province (EATOF Secretary General, Director of Tourism), Laos Luang Prabang Province (Governor), and EATOF.

During this period, Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province will also attend the opening ceremony of the ‘Laos New Year Festival in connection with the 2024 Visit Laos Year’ at the invitation of Luang Prabang Province of Laos, a member government of the East Asia Local Government Tourism Federation (EATOF), which was created under the leadership of Gangwon Self-Governing Province.

At the opening ceremony, about 10,000 people, including the President of Laos, the Governor of Luang Prabang Province, 17 local governments, EATOF representatives, residents, and media, will participate in the street parade.

In addition, during this visit, we will seek to discover ASEAN cooperation projects and revitalize tourism diplomacy between the two governments through bilateral meetings with the Luang Prabang provincial government.

Jeong Il-seop, head of the Global Headquarters of Gangwon Self-Governing Province, who is in charge of the promotion team of the “Vietnam-Laos” Gangwon Tourism Promotion Group, said, “Through this Vietnam-Laos Gangwon Tourism Sales, we will showcase the various charms of Gangwon Tourism, the ‘representative of K-tourism and K-content.’ “We will promote and collaborate with cities, counties, and the tourism industry to expand the development of new tourism products so that more Southeast Asian tourists can visit Gangwon Special Self-Governing Province,” he said.

Reporter Queen Choi Hana


2024-04-08 19:49:13

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