Gantz revealed: “There are talks with Likud members about a compromise in the reform of the judicial system”

by time news

Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahucalled on the opposition leaders yesterday at the government meeting to condemn the calls for incitement that were heard against him: “Explicit calls for political murder are a real danger to democracy that everyone should come out strongly against.”

Gantz: “Unlike Netanyahu who stood on all kinds of balconies, I condemn calls for violence and incitement”
Netanyahu: “We heard a threat to assassinate a prime minister”; Serious statements against elected officials will be investigated

the chairman of the state camp, MK Benny Gantzspoke this morning (Monday) with Anat Davidov and Gideon Oko on 103FM and rejected his words: “We condemn any incitement, any call to violence, we do encourage the protest, we think it is an integral part of the public struggle, it is required. But we call for action on According to the law, any incitement is condemned, and it’s a shame that Netanyahu was not as determined in his actions as he is demanding now.”

Regarding the investigation of Ze’ev Raz and Attorney Hodak, Gantz said that “it is forbidden to go to these places, two very worthy people who said serious things. All of us here are very disturbed by the change that is taking place in the State of Israel, it is happening on two levels – on the governmental level, from democracy as it should be in which of course the elections are the determining factor and from which there is majority rule, things that need to be taken into account, democracy, media, judicial system, a list of things that we all live by them”.

We see that the governmental system is turning it into a governing system, instead of having a prime minister here we will have a ruler here and the prime minister will control the government that will control the Knesset who will control the judicial system, and this weakens the protection of the citizen. That’s why people are upset. The attacks that were on me or on others in other situations just a week ago. The answer is an unequivocal no, there is no place, and I call on Israeli society to understand that what we have in common is more and is more necessary than what separates us. We need to know how to live with these differences. I call on the Prime Minister, who is responsible for this matter, for the unity of society, for democracy in Israel, not to allow democracy to erode and society to split,” he added.

He also said that Netanyahu “needs to stop the galloping horses” and that “there is not a single detail in the proposed reform that serves the citizen. Everything that is proposed there empowers the government that will control the Knesset, that they will control the judicial system, the court will be smoother and as a result the citizen will also be more weakened. Every The set of laws that is in place now is a precursor to the laws that will be seen later.”

Later, he referred to the attempts to reach a compromise and said: “I think the dialogue did not exist. All I presented was principles, to state that we agree that there is no politicization in the judicial system, that build the entire reform around two principles – things that serve the citizen and around the amendment of the Basic Law of Legislation. There may be a moment A useful constitution after 75 years since we established the country. As soon as the system is not politicized, things can be discussed. But as soon as you establish a violation of the balance in the committee for the selection of judges, you dismantle all the other things in advance. What I am trying to present is a framework and principles. The question arises, what is this Actually not stopping the legislative process? It’s a gun that shoots on the table. That’s not how they come.”

“I do not detect a desire to compromise, they intend to continue this process. I do not detect a willingness to compromise. We need to correct the words here, I am not willing to compromise, on what? I am not willing to compromise on Israel’s democratic governmental structure. I am willing to reach agreements which are done in an orderly manner, but when someone activates a legislative mass within these processes, I assume that he means it seriously,” he noted.

According to him, “There are people in Likud whose approach is much more state-oriented and are ready and understand that it is right to reach an agreement. We talk, there are talks, but we will not name names here of course. People understand that we need to stop, talk and try to reach something agreed upon. Likud Chairman, Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, when he speaks in France in a language other than Hebrew, he says that things will happen by agreement. There is a different approach towards the interior.”

Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

Benjamin Netanyahu (Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90)

“I heard Netanyahu in his previous speeches explain why the justice system needs to be protected, why Israel needs a powerful justice system, he knows very well that it is also a proper backup for preserving democracy, he knows that a strong and independent justice system protects IDF soldiers, allows all international companies to invest in Israel,” he added.

At the end, he addressed the criticism of opposition leader Lapid and said that “this protest is a protest that comes from below, from society itself, and it’s a good thing. There is support from all the opposition parties in various strengths in this protest. We are coordinated. In the opposition, there are slightly different shades of content, but overall we have a unity of purpose, all we ask is that if we make an amendment that it will really be an amendment for the benefit of the citizen, that if we make a reform, that it be balanced and anchored in the Basic Law of the legislation, and all this in a non-predatory manner. Overall, the opposition is coordinated. working together. The protest is justified, important, legitimate. Incitement and violence from any side, from any direction, under any circumstances. It must be clear.”

Assisted in the preparation of the article: Shani Romano 103fm

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