Garamendi urges the Government to “work” to solve the labor shortage

by time news

2023-05-22 16:26:16

What began as one-off difficulties limited to very specific and cutting-edge sectors such as technology has already led to serious and entrenched problems that put the Spanish recovery at risk in key activities for the country such as those related to tourism and construction. And more in a summer that is expected to be a record and at a time when the European funds are beginning to be executed. There is no manpower. And it is not just in one sector, nor in two or three… but in “a lot”. This was warned this Monday by the president of the CEOE, Antonio Garamendi, in statements to journalists during a business meeting on investment in Morocco organized by the employers.

“There is a reality. In Spain, for whatever reason, there are three and a half million unemployed and the reality is that, however, we lack people for a lot of sectors. I’m talking about construction, hospitality…”, denounced Garamendi, who emphasized that this shortage of workers is not only in the STEM professions (those related to technology and digitization), as there are no profiles of this type, but in many other unskilled trades, such as waiters, cooks, drivers, electricians, painters, crane drivers…

Faced with this pressing problem, the leader of the businessmen urged the Government to “work seriously” in carrying out a rigorous analysis and an exhaustive evaluation of the issue and putting solutions on the table to alleviate it. Furthermore, he offered his help in doing so. “We are open to the fact that serious work can be done precisely to be able to recruit people to fill these positions,” stressed the Basque leader, in the face of repeated demonstrations made by different provincial employers, who criticize the difficulty in filling vacancies in a variety of sectors. , and more now that the summer campaign is approaching.

More regularizations

In fact, the president of the CEOE acknowledged that they are “in contact” with the Minister of Social Security, José Luis Escrivá, to deal with this situation. Escrivá is precisely now in talks with unions and employers to make the conditions for giving papers to those who live in an irregular situation more flexible, who will have to take training courses of fewer hours, they will be able to do them on weekends and online. To do this, once the social agents make their contributions, it will publish in the next few days changes in the requirements to regularize their situation through the new figure of arraigo by training, which was launched last August and has already benefited 12,000 immigrants.

However, what is paralyzed and with no sign of prospering is the power of another initiative led by Escrivá: hiring foreigners from other countries to fill vacancies in construction. Its new rule to expand the catalog of difficult-to-cover occupations with 31 new professions and thus be able to bring in workers from other countries has been vetoed by Vice President Yolanda Díaz, who, together with the unions, defend that, with millions of unemployed in Spain, it What you have to do is train them and/or pay higher salaries.

#Garamendi #urges #Government #work #solve #labor #shortage

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