Gas deliveries, electricity prices, sobriety… What to remember from Emmanuel Macron’s press conference

by time news

Three days after chairing an Energy Defense Council, Emmanuel Macron met Monday by videoconference with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz to agree on solutions to deal with the possibility of a total stoppage of gas deliveries. Russian.

Shortly after this meeting, the President of the Republic held a press conference devoted to the energy crisis. 20 Minutes takes stock of the announcements made by the Head of State.

Franco-German exchanges

Emmanuel Macron has announced that France is committed to delivering more gas to Germany, which could in return supply it with electricity if the energy crisis requires it this winter. “We are going to finalize the gas connections in order to be able to deliver gas to Germany (…), if there is a need for solidarity”, and the latter “will put itself in a position to produce more electricity and from us (in ) bring in peak situations,” he explained.

Date with sobriety

The president also urged the French to “be at the rendezvous of sobriety” to avoid gas and electricity rationing this winter, invoking solidarity between European countries in this fight. “We must not play on fear, we are not in this situation” of rationing, assured the president. “We have our destiny in hand because, since February, we have done a lot of things and because if we manage to be at the rendezvous of solidarity and sobriety”, “the solution is in our hands “, he added.

“We all have to move! “, he continued, calling for “changing behaviors” such as “putting the air conditioning a little less strong” and “the heating a little less strong than usual” when it will be cold, citing the temperature of 19 degrees. “If we collectively know how to behave more soberly and save energy everywhere, then there will be no rationing and there will be no cuts”, insisted the Head of State, in recalling the objective of achieving “10% energy savings”.

Buy gas together

Emmanuel Macron also declared himself “in favor of common gas purchasing practices” in Europe, to buy “cheaper”, as well as capping the price of Russian gas delivered by pipeline.

“European contribution mechanism”

He also said on Monday that he was in favor of the EU imposing a contribution on energy operators who would make “undue profits” with the surge in wholesale electricity prices on the continent, in unison with the ‘Germany. “We are defending a European contribution mechanism (…) which would therefore be requested from energy operators”, declared Emmanuel Macron, while the European Commission is preparing its own plan to contain the soaring electricity prices seen this summer.

Rather than a national tax on superprofits, France therefore supports a non-fiscal mechanism, harmonized at European level, which would make it possible to recover part of the profits made by producers of renewable or nuclear electricity who today produce electricity at low cost but resold at record prices.

European electricity prices, regardless of their method of production, are in fact correlated to the price of gas, which has reached historic highs since the war in Ukraine.
“This contribution could then be paid back to the States to finance their targeted national measures”, towards households and businesses, of the tariff shield type, he explained.

If the European Union does not adopt such a special contribution on energy operators, then “we will return to national debates”, said the French president, who for the moment rules out the creation of a special French tax on companies in the energy sector.

Fight against “speculative practices”

“To reduce price volatility, we believe it is essential to have measures to combat speculative practices,” added Emmanuel Macron, referring to the very sharp price variations of recent weeks in Europe. “Our wish is that there can be control mechanisms for these speculative operations at European level. »

No need for a new gas pipeline with Spain

President Macron also declared that he did not see “evidence” of the “need” for a new gas pipeline between France and Spain, the Midcat project, supported by Madrid and Berlin but viewed with suspicion by Paris. In Europe, “we need more electrical interconnection” but “I am not convinced that we need more gas interconnection, the consequences of which, in particular on the environment, and in particular on ecosystem, are more important,” he explained. Regarding Midcat, “there is no evidence of need, there is no evidence today, no evidence tomorrow, there are real difficulties”.

“I say: welcome to Liz Truss”

Emmanuel Macron assured Monday that France was “available to be able to work between allies and friends” with the new British Prime Minister Liz Truss. “I say welcome Liz Truss. I express to him all the congratulations of France and we are available to be able to work between allies and friends, ”declared the Head of State during a press conference.

Asked two weeks ago about Emmanuel Macron, “friend or enemy”, during an electoral meeting of the conservative party, Liz Truss then refused to answer. “The jury is still deliberating,” replied the then head of British diplomacy. Vibe.

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