“Gastrointestinal motility no longer a niche pathology”

by time news

A sedentary lifestyle, an incorrect diet or certain pathologies can compromise its regularity, leading to disorders such as constipation or diarrhea. “Gastrointestinal motility”, i.e. the body’s ability to move food forward within the digestive system, “has always been considered a niche pathology for super specialists in the field of Italian gastroenterology but in reality it is very widespread in the population ”. So Mario Costantini, president of the Italian neo-gastroenterology and motility society (Singem) on the sidelines of the 29th National Congress of Digestive Diseases promoted by Fismad in Rome.

“The confirmation comes from the patients we see and treat – underlines Costantini – they have an extremely widespread pathology, think for example of the irritable bowel, constipation and dysphagia which is extremely frequent in elderly people and requires a response”. An answer “which is managed by general practitioners who indicate the need or not to activate a specialist outpatient visit in the hospital – continues the expert – with all the difficulties of booking at the Cup that we are well aware of”. The presence “of a gastroenterologist in the area could help to “skim off” those patients who only later have to access the hospital for further information – he concludes – and above all to identify those symptoms from the alarm to exclude pathologies much more serious than a simple dysfunction of the intestine, which can be gastrointestinal tumors or ovarian tumors”.

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