Gates, relationship with a Microsoft employee. The Board finds out: resign

by time news

After the uncomfortable friendship with the pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein, i Appointment with ex-girlfriend Ann Winblad, signed in a pre-nuptial agreement with Melinda and foto of certain nights spent dancing like a rock star at a party organized by, check an extramarital affair of Bill Gates than in March last year forced the billionaire to resign from the Microsoft board of directors. After the announcement of the divorce of the century, i American chroniclers have begun to rave about the reasons that they brought the wedding of the most famous philanthropic couple in the world ends: Bill e Melinda Gates.

Larry Summers, Jeffrey Epstein e Bill Gates
(fonte: New York Times)

According to what the Wall Street Journal, iThe founder of the Redmond giant left Microsoft’s board of directors in 2020, because she had discovered one his relationship with a company employee: the board members decided it had to resign because they considered that relationship improper. Yet another chapter in the private life of the billionaire who must not have liked his wife.

The WSJ he also made it known that members of the board commissioned a law firm to clarify the facts given that, at the end of 2019, a Microsoft engineer revealed that she had been in a relationship with Gates for years and some components of the board they decided he was no longer suited to the position.

It was therefore not only the alleged friendship between Gates and Jeffrey Epstein, the billionaire accused of sex trafficking and who took his own life before being tried, to trigger the divorce. Friendship (Gates had revealed to a colleague that he was “fascinated”) complete with passage on Epstein’s private jet, the so-called “Lolita Express”, To go from New Jersey a Palm Beach, in Florida.

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Melinda Gates

Last week, the WSJ had revealed that Melinda Gates had been working since at least 2019 with a team of divorce lawyers. Gates si resigned from board by Microsoft on March 13, 2020, three months after being confirmed in the warrant, before the investigation was completed e before the board of directors could make a formal decision on the matter.

In a press release submitted to regulators and in a post on LinkedIn, the billionaire explained that he wanted to focus on his philanthropic activity and continue to work as a technical consultant Ceo Satya Nadella. On the same day, he also left the position in board of Berkshire Hathaway, the conglomerate managed by the friend, Warren Buffett with whom he shares philanthropic projects.

After the revelations of WSJ, the spokeswoman admitted that “almost 20 years ago” Gates had a relationship “ended amicably” but was careful to clarify that “the decision to leave the board is not related to that affair”.

Even the New York Times revealed how Gates was known to “woo” several women who work with him, even after getting married. The newspaper cited testimonials from women they received emails with invitations to dinner, with some employees explaining that this behavior created an unpleasant atmosphere, others pointing out that this was not considered a “predatory attitude” by Gates anyway.


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