Gathering Farmers’ Input on the Proposed Namakkal and Rasipuram Agricultural Infrastructure Projects and Regulatory Sales Halls

by time news

Farmers in Namakkal district have expressed their thoughts regarding the agriculture budget presented by Minister MRK Panneerselvam in the Tamil Nadu Assembly. While the announcement of new infrastructure facilities for regulatory shops in Namakkal and Rasipuram was welcomed, there were some expected announcements that did not materialize. For instance, the absence of funding for the remaining renovation work of Raja Canal left many farmers disappointed. The budget was praised for some features such as the agronomist scheme for the circle which encourages youth to take up agriculture. However, there were criticisms that the budget did not address some concerns, particularly in providing loans through cooperatives to farmers and announcing new irrigation schemes for improving water management. Meanwhile, the announcement that grains including rye will be purchased by the government and sold in ration shops was applauded. Despite the mixed reactions, farmers hope that government officials will work to ensure that state government schemes reach grassroots farmers, and that subsidies for mechanization in agriculture will be increased.


Farmers have commented on the announcement that new infrastructure facilities will be provided to Namakkal and Rasipuram one-stop sales centers in the agriculture budget.

Agriculture budget presentation

Minister MRK Panneerselvam tabled the agriculture budget in the Tamil Nadu Assembly yesterday. Farmers of Namakkal district have expressed various opinions about this budget. Its details are as follows:-

Salem Cooperative Sugar Factory Sugarcane Farmers Union Secretary Gupudurai said:-

It was said in the election manifesto that Rs. 4,000 will be given per ton of sugarcane. But the Tamil Nadu government has not made any announcement to pay Rs.4 thousand per tonne for sugarcane in this budget. Also Tamil Nadu government is providing Rs.195 per ton as incentive for sugarcane. The same incentive has been given for the last 5 years. Sugarcane farmers expected that the incentives will be increased in this budget at least. But only great disappointment remained.

Similarly, we were very hopeful that funds would be allocated in this budget for the remaining renovation work of Raja Canal. But the absence of any notification has left all the farmers disappointed. It is said that a banana research center will be set up in the southern district at a cost of Rs.50 crore. But no announcement has been made for setting up a betel nut research center in Namakkal district. It is welcome that it has been announced that new structural facilities will be provided to the regulation shops operating in rented buildings in Namakkal and Rasipuram areas.

Small grain zone

Kongunadu People’s National Party Namakkal Integrated District Agriculture Team Secretary Ravichandran:-

It has been announced that Namakkal district will be merged with small grain zone in the agriculture budget. Similarly, it is a welcome feature that various schemes are being implemented for the benefit of Kollimalai hill dwellers. It has been reported that structures will be developed at Salem Co-operative Sugar Mill in Moganur for the production of value-added organic compost from mill waste soil. Basic facilities will be improved in farmers markets in Namakkal district. Announcements like Namakkal will be integrated and a special zone for oilseeds will be set up is welcome.

An agronomist scheme for the circle announced in the budget will further encourage youth to take up agriculture. Overall, the budget is prepared with concern for the life and development of the farmers. Agricultural awareness meetings should be held at least once a month in the Panchayat Council offices in every village so that the public can know about the government schemes related to agriculture.

Attractive budget

Balasubramanian, State General Secretary, Agriculture Development Corporation:-

The fact that there was no announcement in the budget regarding the 2-year demand of the farmers to extend the date of crop loan waiver till 31-3-2021 for the farmers who are not able to get the discount concession due to the waiver of crop loan during the previous regime has given a lot of disappointment to the farmers who were waiting.

The announcement that grains including rye will be purchased by the government and sold in ration shops is welcome. This separate budget for agriculture is not going to benefit the farmers in Tamil Nadu. While this is an attractive budget, there are no schemes to benefit farmers. Instead, the budget is set to further increase their debt burden.

No new irrigation scheme

Tamil Nadu Farmers Union State President Velusamy of the cultivator leader Narayanasamy Naidu:-

There has been no major announcement regarding providing loans through cooperatives to farmers of Tamil Nadu to improve their agriculture. Similarly, through the water management plan, there is no announcement of any new irrigation plan for the development of farmers in order to enrich the underground water by building dams.

The production cost of small grains is high. The purchase price is low. If this situation persists, the production of nutritious small grains will eventually decrease. We expected that an announcement would be made to set up a Maravalli millet and millet plant in the Salem district through the cooperative department. But that notification was not published. The announcement of hike in purchase price of sugarcane, paddy and milk also did not go well with the farmers in the agriculture budget. So this budget has caused a huge disappointment to the farmers of Tamil Nadu.


Natesan, a farmer from Thiruchengot:-

The best performing farmers will be awarded with a prize of Rs 5 lakh in the name of Natural Agronomist Nammalwar. Similarly, new structural facilities will be created at Namakkal and Rasipuram regulatory sales halls. It has been announced that Namakkal district will be integrated and made into a special zone for oilseeds and special attention will be given to production, value addition, marketing and export of oilseeds. It is welcome.

Government officials should work to ensure that the schemes of the state government reach the grassroots farmers. Mechanization is now necessary in agriculture. When farmers purchase machinery, the subsidy is minimal. It should be increased by 50 percent.

Thus they said.

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