Gavelli (Danone), ‘Stay Alive campaign talks about prevention lightly’

by time news

2023-09-07 12:07:15

“This campaign with light and playful tones aims to send a very important message. In fact, I think that when it comes to health, you don’t necessarily have to do it heavily, you can also do it lightly, which does not mean being superficial, but wanting to be within everyone’s reach”. This was stated by Fabrizio Gavelli, president and managing director of Danone Italy & Greece, on the occasion of the press conference to present the new ‘Stay Alive’ campaign, launched by Danacol di Danone in collaboration with the Agostino Gemelli Irccs University Hospital Foundation, aimed at raising awareness among citizens on prevention through a health journey to discover the 7 cardiovascular risks.

The new campaign was presented on the occasion of the ‘The month of the heart’ initiative, now in its seventh edition and which provides for free check-ups on cardiovascular risks in Rome and online at Enel X, thanks to the collaboration between Danacol and the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, free cholesterol measurements in pharmacies and an event with The month of prevention ends with the Longevity Run in Rome on 15 October and the Mille Mila Bici in Milan on 22 October.

“For Danacol – explains Gavelli – it is very important to continue the path of prevention of cardiovascular diseases through the control of cholesterol. We have been dealing with prevention for many years, with great results and large numbers. To reiterate the importance of having yourself checked and keeping your cholesterol at bay – remember – last year we carried out the ‘Listen to your heart’ campaign, with our ambassador Elio and, this year we have chosen to continue working together and to create a second campaign, entitled ‘Stay Alive’. Elio is very sensitive to the issues of prevention and health, which is why we chose him not only as a testimonial but as an ambassador”.

In recent years, awareness of cardiovascular risks among Italians over 35 has increased, as revealed by a research presented at the event, conducted by GfK and commissioned by Danacol. Compared to 2012, today citizens are more aware of their cholesterol level, just think, for example, that 31% of those interviewed know that they have a value below 199 mg/dl, given that in 2012 it was 55% lower . Thanks to the numerous awareness campaigns, awareness of the importance of controls is also growing. In the last seven years, Danacol has done 20,000 cholesterol checks and, in the next 3 years, aims to do another 60,000.

“We want to continue to have numbers in constant progression – concluded the president and managing director of Danone Italy & Greece – . In a situation where cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Italy, despite the pandemic, cholesterol must be taken into account, because it is the first alarm bell. We are therefore very happy to launch this campaign which, I am convinced, will be even more successful than the previous one”.

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