Gazprom ordered less than 5% of the capacity of the Yamal-Europe pipeline

by time news

The company “Gazprom” bought the transit capacity of the Polish section of the Yamal-Europe pipeline on Sunday, December 19. The company ordered less than 5% of the proposed volumes. Gazprom’s long-term contract for transit through Poland ended a year ago, since then the capacity of the section has been distributed at auctions.

Gazprom bought out transit capacities in the amount of 4.7 million cubic meters. m per day with the proposed 89.1 million cubic meters. m, reports “Interfax” with reference to the data of the GSA Platform booking platform.

The Yamal-Europe pipeline can pump up to 33 billion cubic meters. meters of gas per year. The Polish block is owned by the EuRoPol Gaz joint venture and operated by the national gas transmission operator Gaz-System.

For the gas year from October 2020 to September 2021, Gazprom booked capacities at an annual auction, then made two monthly reservations for October and November. In December, the company did not book capacity on a monthly basis, using daily bookings.

Gazprom ships gas to Europe via a number of routes and orders additional capacity – or volumes that go beyond permanent contracts – at auctions for delivery via Ukraine and to Germany via the Yamal route.

Meanwhile, supplies of Russian gas to Germany via the Yamal-Europe pipeline have been significantly reduced. Gas pumped through the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline fell to about 1.2 million kWh on 18 December, compared with an average of 10 million kWh on Friday.

At the beginning of December, gas withdrawal from European underground storage facilities reached the maximum level in the last five years – 11.2 billion cubic meters. Taking into account the current daily rate of extraction, gas reserves may not be sufficient until the end of the heating season.

Read more in the publication of Kommersant “Gas fell victim to natural selection.”


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