GDF will invest R$20 million in Artificial Intelligence

by time news

2023-10-27 22:40:23

The value was announced during the opening of the II Forum for Heating the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ecosystem in Justice, this morning

Over the next two years, the Government of the Federal District (GDF), through the Federal District Research Support Foundation (FAPDF), will promote R$20 million in research aimed at improving Justice in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in more diverse areas. The amount was announced during the opening of the II Forum for Heating the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ecosystem in Justice, this Friday morning (27), in the auditorium of the Federal District section of the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB-DF) .

The local Executive’s proposal is to build an ideal ecosystem aimed at developing artificial intelligence solutions in the DF. To this end, through Decree No. 44,969 of 19/09/23, a DF Artificial Intelligence Working Group was established – coordinated by FAPDF, in partnership with the University of the Federal District (UnDF) -, with the mission to promote studies and preparations for the implementation of an applied AI laboratory in the region.

Already in operation, the group brings together several entities, including the departments of Science, Technology and Innovation (Secti-DF); Education (SEEDF); Health (SES-DF); Planning, Budget and Administration (Seplad-DF) and Civil House, in addition to research institutions, such as the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) and the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Ibict) of the federal government, as well as justice bodies , such as the National Council of Justice (CNJ) and the Public Ministry of the Federal District and Territories (MPDFT).

AI promotion

This year, FAPDF provided around R$2 million to support the development of the AI ​​ecosystem. In the last two years, around R$6 million has already been invested in the area. An example of this initiative is the FAPDF Learning program, which operates in four macro areas – Bio, Tech, Gov and Agro. Within the scope of AI, this program is investing R$3,746,174.40 this year in four projects.

Present at the meeting at OAB-DF, the director-president of FAPDF, Marco Antônio Costa Júnior, ratified this initiative, remembering that Brasília is at the forefront of investment in AI research, being a hub of innovation in this global theme. “The Government of the Federal District has done very precise work to promote and encourage actions related to the development of artificial intelligence”, he highlighted. “We are working on artificial intelligence as something institutional”, he added.

In turn, the coordinator of NiAJus, Ricardo Ramos, highlighted the importance of the triad formed by the core’s fundamental axes – training, entrepreneurship and research – for warming the ecosystem. “The fourth axis would be the challenge, as a transversal axis, catalyst for these different axes”, he explained. “But without the support of FAPDF we would not be able to continue [ao projeto]. It was through the vision of Governor Ibaneis Rocha that we arrived at this forum, to talk about the warming of the ecosystem”, he praised.

II Forum to Warm Up the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Ecosystem in Justice discusses solutions that automate court activities, optimizing the work of magistrates, civil servants and lawyers


The purpose of the forum is to present the results achieved through the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platform Project in the Judiciary, under the coordination of professor Nilton Correia da Silva from AILab at UnB.


Within the scope of this project, highlights include the delivery of five cutting-edge AI solutions to the Federal Regional Court of the First Region (TRF1) and the creation of the AI ​​Center applied to Justice, NIAJus, with training actions in AI and entrepreneurship, with more than 800 registrations, covering students from IT, engineering, law, lawyers and Judiciary employees.

Also present at the opening of the event, the acting secretary of Secti-DF, Leonardo Reisman, spoke about collaborative digital solutions that automate court activities, optimizing the work of magistrates, civil servants and lawyers. In addition to ensuring greater productivity, speed, governance and transparency of processes.

According to the secretary, although the growth of the startup market has been on the rise in recent years, especially lawtechs – technology companies that work in the area of ​​law – there is a lack of greater adoption by law firms and legal professionals to the services offered.

“To change this scenario, it is essential that legal operators invest in the use of this technology, which allows them to monitor in real time actions filed in courts and reduce conflict resolution to an average of 24 hours. Reducing deadlines with the tool would save up to 75% of the expenses that corporations have with procedural costs”, he noted.



Highlight of the event, this Friday (27), the launch of the Juggle challenge platform aims to present real problems to be solved by students, entrepreneurs and public servants interested in contributing to improving justice in its most diverse areas.

This project has the direct collaboration of FAPDF, which promotes research, as well as TRF1 and Biotic – as sponsors – dedicated to strengthening the local technological ecosystem. There is also the active participation of entities such as OAB/DF, Sebrae, Senac college and the Brazilian Institute of Education, Development and Research (IDP), in addition to the University of Brasília (UnB).

Also at the event’s opening table were the director of Information Technology at OAB-DF, Fernando Abdala; the CEO of Biotic, Gustavo Dias; the federal judge of the 3rd Civil Court and director of the Forum of the Judiciary Section of the DF (SJDF) Edna Márcia Ramos.

*With information from the Federal District Research Support Foundation (FAPDF)


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