Gen Z Americans Drink Less Alcohol Than Previous Generations but Turn to Cannabis, Warn Researchers

by time news

Title: Gen Z Drastically Decreases Alcohol Consumption, But Cannabis Use Rises, Raising Health Concerns

Subtitle: Sobriety and mindfulness become the new norm as Gen Z embraces healthier choices

Date: [Current Date]

Gen Z Americans are shifting away from alcohol consumption, with studies showing a significant decrease in their drinking habits compared to previous generations. However, researchers have raised concerns about the rising popularity of cannabis among this age group, warning of potential health implications if consumed excessively.

According to a report by Berenberg Research, Gen Z respondents are drinking over 20% less per capita than Millennials did at the same age. Additionally, 64% of Gen Z respondents anticipate drinking alcohol less frequently as they grow older, in contrast to older generations.

Research suggests that Gen Z is drinking less due to health-related concerns, hangover fears, and the desire to avoid judgment from peers and parents. The trend, known as “damp drinking” or the “sober-curious trend,” reflects a shift in attitude among this generation towards sobriety and control.

Sam Shaw, a strategy director at behavioral insights firm Canvas8, highlighted that Gen Z uses sobriety as a means to be present in the moment and connect with others. This new mindset emphasizes respect and individual choice, making soberness a positive life choice and a healthier foundation for relationships.

The changing dating landscape is also evident among Gen Z, with many preferring alcohol-free first dates and abstaining from alcohol altogether during average dates. A survey by dating app Hinge found that three out of four users would rather skip drinks as a first date. The growing popularity of sober dating has been influenced by Gen Z’s commitment to self-care and mindfulness.

Experts argue that Gen Z’s reduced interest in alcohol is also attributed to their increased awareness of the harm it can cause. More than a quarter of Gen Z respondents express strong concerns about the potential health effects of alcohol.

The decline in alcohol use among Gen Z is part of a more health-conscious lifestyle, as this generation places more emphasis on exercise and therapy for mental well-being. Present-day perceptions of alcohol and its negative impacts mirror how previous generations viewed smoking, as the harmful effects become more apparent.

While the decrease in alcohol consumption is generally seen as a positive trend, experts have noted a rise in cannabis use among Gen Z. The allure of cannabis as a stress and anxiety reliever during the pandemic, coupled with remote work, has led to more young Americans experimenting with the drug. However, research suggests that cannabis can exacerbate mental health conditions rather than alleviate them.

Both Dr. Adam Scioli, Head of Psychiatry at Caron Treatment Centers, and neurologist Dr. Russell Surasky warn about the negative effects of cannabis on mental health. They note that it can trigger or worsen anxiety, depression, and even psychotic episodes in susceptible individuals. For those with underlying mental health conditions, such as bipolar disorder, cannabis use can pose life-threatening risks.

Despite the positive aspect of reduced alcohol consumption, the surge in cannabis use among Gen Z raises concerns about potential health complications. Experts emphasize the need for responsible and informed decision-making regarding substance use, taking into account both the perceived benefits and known risks associated with each substance.

Gen Z’s shift towards healthier choices reflects a generation that seeks control, respect, and overall well-being. The challenges lie in ensuring that this desire for healthier lifestyles encompasses responsible substance use and avoids potential pitfalls associated with excessive cannabis consumption.

As Gen Z continues to shape societal norms and lifestyle choices, understanding and addressing these trends will be essential to promoting a balanced and healthy approach to substance use.

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