Gender gap, the Bolzano Women’s Network is born – News

by times news cr

BOLZANO. It will take 134 years before Italy can reach the gender equality. A gap that sees women underrepresented both in employed and independent work. It is, in particular, in this context that the difference becomes overwhelming: 75% of entrepreneurs are menas are 73% of self-employed workers and 64% of those who work in the liberal professions. And Trentino Alto Adige is no exception.

To support freelancers, independent professionals and entrepreneurs in facing the challenges of self-employment and entrepreneurship, the Women’s Network of Bolzanoa project part of Rete al Femminile, a national association active throughout Italy that, for years, has supported women and people who feel they belong to the female gender in their professional career through networking, training and mentoring.

The association, founded locally by Chiara Zanellati, Elisabetta Bartocci, Emily Louise Simonis, Fabrizia Grimaldi, Genny Losurdo, Marina Baldo, Roberta Creazzo and Silvia Pagliucastrengthens the professional skills of its members by creating a pool full of stimuli, inspirations and useful skills for those who already work independently or who are thinking

to set up one’s own business.

A theme, that of the gender gap in independent work, particularly felt in the territory: Businesses led by women represent only 18.5% of the activities operating in Trentino and 18.2% of the activities operating in Alto Adige, data lower than the national trends and that of the North East (both equal to 20.6%). Even in the field of freelance professions, compared to the national average of 35.7%, the freelance professionals active at regional level are just 30%. In the 35-54 age group, specifically, freelancers in Trentino Alto Adige are 71.2% men and 28.8% women, while in Italy the gap is less evident (59.8% men and 40.2% women).

Il first training event will be held on September 12th at

18 at Upad Bolzano, in via Firenze 51. “Pushing for parity” is the title of the event that will see Elisabetta Bartocci, NLP Coach, expert in business organization and training and Gender Equality Certification, auditor of the Family and Work Audit of the Province of Bolzano and teacher on gender stereotypes, and Silvia Pagliuca, journalist and communications consultant, editor of the books “She Leads: gender equality in the future of work” and “Gender equality: everyone’s conquest”, introduce the topic of the gender gap.

2024-09-03 08:18:17

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