General elections 23-J, latest live news | Feijóo: “There are tensions in the sustainability of pensions in the medium term” | General elections 23J | Spain

by time news

2023-07-18 10:33:13

Yolanda Díaz: “Feijóo is not going to revalue pensions with the CPI, he does not have it in his electoral program”

The leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz, gave an interview this morning in RNE mornings. Asked about the controversial intervention of the president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, on Monday on TVE, where he insisted on the false fact that the PP always revalued pensions with the CPI, Díaz stated: “Feijóo lied in the debate to two about pensions, and yesterday he lied in this house. He is used to lying ”. And he has continued: “He is a candidate who lies without shame.” “The specialist in political lies is him. We do not know a political proposal. Mr. Feijóo is not going to revalue pensions with the CPI. He does not have it in his electoral program and I appeal here to the 10 million pensioners of our country ”. The PP’s electoral program promises to reform the pension system to guarantee its sustainability, an expression that usually implies toughening access to the system to reduce pension spending in the future.

“I think it will be a very important debate, especially since we are in the final stretch of the campaign and because we are going to present our country project to Spain. It is a shame that Mr. Feijóo does not want to debate and present his project for the country”, Díaz said about the debate that will be held tomorrow on RTVE in which the President of the Government and Secretary General of the PSOE, Pedro Sánchez, will be present. and the president of Vox, Santiago Abascal, but not Feijóo, who has declined the invitation. The leader of the PP thus tries to avoid a photograph with the leader of the extreme right, despite the fact that all the polls show that the only options for the president of the PP to govern go through a pact with the ultras, since his party is far away of the absolute majority.

“People know that the useful vote is called Sumar. Why?” asked Díaz, who recalled the 47% increase in the interprofessional minimum wage throughout this legislature and the approval of the labor reform, which has greatly increased permanent contracts. “The useful vote is Sumar, because it recovers rights, and because it places Vox in the opposition,” Díaz added. “I am making a call to the useful vote in Sumar. We are disputing the position of the ultra-right”, insisted Díaz, who has said that the vote for his coalition “expels Vox from the opposition”.

“I’ve been saying it for a long time. We have been the Government of Spain that we have governed better than anyone. We have made regulations that have changed people’s lives ”, he said about the coalition Executive of the PSOE and Unidas Podemos. Asked if in a new coalition there would be the noise that has sometimes been in the current government, with clashes between the ministers of the two formations, Díaz has defended: “No. I can guarantee it as long as I have been minister and vice-presidency for three years and I have never made noise. Politics is not noise. When it is done as the right and the extreme right do, with noise and insults, there is no project for the country. And she added: “I don’t make noise a way of governing.”

“Feijóo’s proposal for a general tax cut is going to lead Spain into recession,” said Díaz, who recalled what happened in the United Kingdom with the Prime Minister tory Liz Truss and her neoliberal proposal to cut taxes, which unleashed a wave in the markets that cast doubt on the country’s ability to pay its debt and ended up, in the end, causing Truss to resign. Díaz has also accused Feijóo of wanting to abolish the tax on large fortunes. “I don’t know anyone who has more than three million euros”, he ironized.

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