General elections 23-J, latest live news | Sánchez assures that “against all odds” the PSOE will win the elections | General elections 23J | Spain

by time news

2023-07-15 14:40:13

Feijóo: “I hope that all the people who have asked to vote by mail have it”

The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, has participated this Saturday in an electoral act of his formation in Vitoria. “I hope and wish that this campaign ends well, and the first thing I want is that all the people who have asked to vote by mail have it so that they can vote and exercise a constitutional right that is fundamental in a consolidated democracy like Spain”, has said at the beginning of his speech Feijóo, who throughout this week has sown doubts about the guarantees of voting by mail. This strategy of sowing suspicion in this way of voting was already tested years ago in the trajectory to power in Galicia of the now national candidate of the PP.

Feijóo, who today will also be at PP events in Logroño and Pamplona, ​​has denied the good progress of the Spanish economy, despite the fact that the number of Social Security affiliates is in record numbers —almost 20.9 million contributors— and GDP has already exceeded pre-pandemic figures. “It is evident that the Spanish economy is not going like a motorcycle”, said Feijóo, who added: “Our economy has not grown and we have the same GDP as in 2019”.

“We have wasted five years, we have become more impoverished, we have gotten more into debt, we have paid more taxes and we have lost purchasing power. Consequently, the economy in the street, in the shops, in the supermarkets, the real one, the domestic one, that of the people, that of the pensioners, that of the workers, does not go like a motorcycle, on the contrary. We have been the Jiminy Cricket of Europe for five years and having the penultimate place, with the Czech Republic, in the entire EU ”, Feijóo criticized.

The president of the PP has said that his objective, if he reaches La Moncloa, “is for Spain to be one of the three European economies that grows the most”, ignoring that this 2023 Spain is the main economy in the euro that is going to grow the most. “If we grow, we are going to create jobs. If we create jobs and grow the economy, we can control and ease taxes. If this is the case, people will have more money available and will be able to consume more, and then the wheel starts to work, in a good sense of moving forward ”, he added.

“We are going to turn the page on fiscal voracity. 42 taxes have risen ”, Feijóo has assured. However, the summaries of the Tax Agency at the end of each year do not include such a high number of upward modifications. There are six in 2021 and nine in 2022. To these must be added the three temporary taxes that have come into force this year —on banking, energy and large fortunes—, the increase in the rate of savings in personal income tax or the Limitation to 50% in Corporate Tax on the possibility of offsetting the losses of the subsidiaries of the consolidated groups. All in all, the number of taxes that have risen is far from 42, and there have also been reductions in some sections of personal income tax for the lowest incomes and in other taxes.

In addition, Feijóo has once again said, as he has been repeating these days in the campaign, that one of his first measures will be to approve a reduction in personal income tax for income of less than 40,000 euros if he governs after the general elections on July 23.

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