General Manager of Petroecuador, Marcela Reinoso, inspected facilities in Pichincha, Napo and Sucumbíos – 2024-02-15 17:19:22

by times news cr

2024-02-15 17:19:22

The general manager of EP Petroecuador, Marcela Reinoso, made a series of visits to the pumping stations of the Ecuadorian Oil Pipeline System (SOTE) and the Shushufindi-Quito pipeline, and other facilities in the provinces of Pichincha, Napo and Sucumbíos.

The objective of the tour, which began last February 6, according to Reinoso, was to talk with the personnel who work in these locations, learn about their needs and take a closer look at the activities they carry out. “The company and the oil belong to all Ecuadorians. Thanks to your work, we contribute an important percentage to the country’s economy,” indicated the general manager during her visit to the Papallacta station.

There he confirmed the work to maintain the operation of the Trans-Ecuadorian Oil Pipeline System (SOTE) through the pumping of oil through the pipeline that crosses five provinces, from the Amazon to the Ecuadorian coast, in areas of difficult access and in adverse conditions. Likewise, Reinoso assured that all efforts will be made, jointly with the personnel in charge, to solve the requirements of the operating units in a timely manner.

Subsequently, he toured the Osayacu station (multiple pipeline), where he also verified the state of the facilities where workers spend the night and the operational facilities. Later, in the warehouse of the Santa Rosa camp, the general manager supervised the conditions of this facility and the pipes that are housed and classified according to the type of use that can be given to them.

Its operations were confirmed at the El Salado station, which is located near the water intake of the Coca Codo Sinclair Hydroelectric Power Plant. He spoke with the staff and analyzed the actions planned for this year. Then, together with technical personnel, they toured the areas where the SOTE and pipeline were affected due to the regressive erosion of the Coca River. There they verified the control points established to monitor the progress of this natural phenomenon.

Meanwhile, on February 7, Reinoso continued with his work schedule in Sucumbíos and Orellana in Block 56, Lago Agrio. He visited the area where last December a private heavy-duty truck crashed into the Sacha-Lago Agrio secondary oil pipeline, which caused damage to the sector.

He confirmed the actions carried out by company technicians, which included the suspension of pumping, delineation of the area, contingency work with the use of specialized machinery, absorbent barriers, dispersants, metal tanks, among others.

At the moment, contingency work, such as clearing, evacuation and manual and mechanical excavation of contaminated vegetation, reached 100%. In accordance with the established protocol, the cleaning work continues.

Later, in the Sacha field, Block 60, considered the most productive of the company, Reinoso held a meeting with the staff. “Each barrel generates well-being. Sometimes there are complications, but we are highly qualified to overcome these contingencies,” he said. Currently, the Sacha field produces around 80,000 barrels of oil per day.

Reinoso inspected drill 219, operated by Sinopec. On this platform, he reviewed the planning and progress of drilling the Sacha 608 well, the result of which is estimated to be obtained in about seven days, additional barrels of oil.

Source: Radio Huancavilca

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