General practitioners, the first barrier against obesity

by time news

Overweight and obesity in Mexico have become an epidemic, as the country has one of the highest obesity rates in the world. According to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), 73% of the Mexican population is overweight or obese. This is due to a combination of factors, including unhealthy diet, lack of physical activity, and lack of education on proper nutrition.

Today more than ever, general practitioners, or first contact physicians, have become more important than ever, since they are also the ones who are closest at hand, so to speak, for the majority of people, especially now that the attached offices to the pharmacy have grown like mushrooms. They are the ones who can detect diseases that deserve the assessment of specialists for proper follow-up.

However, it is the first contact doctors who can turn around the great problem of overweight and obesity that we have in Mexico. They can give initial advice and properly channel patients.

The foregoing implies following the procedures they learned in school to the letter, from the well-known questionnaire, to taking the pressure and transferring the patient to the scale, steps that with the passage of time most doctors, both for the workload as well as considering that it is not so important, in addition to the fact that it takes time, they stop doing it.

But that’s the one thing they can’t stop doing

In this way, it is essential that the first contact doctor is very up-to-date on issues related to overweight and obesity, as this will allow him to give better advice, recommendations and treatments to his patients.

Moreover, without pretending that they replace nutritionists and specialty doctors, such as bariatricians, internists and endocrinologists, among others, they could follow up these patients weekly, biweekly or monthly, in order to know if they are on the right track. proper way of losing weight and recovering your health.

As we know, obesity has serious health consequences, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and respiratory disease. In addition, it also has important psychological effects, such as depression and anxiety.

That is why it is crucial that general practitioners are up-to-date and sensitized about obesity and its complications. Physicians must be trained to guide patients on how to lead a healthy lifestyle, including dietary changes and incorporating physical activity into their daily routine.

In this sense, it is crucial that doctors provide accurate and evidence-based information about obesity and how it affects health. For example, they can explain how excess weight affects metabolism and increases the risk of developing chronic diseases. Additionally, doctors may offer additional resources, such as weight loss programs and support groups, to help patients achieve their health goals.

It is vital that general practitioners keep abreast of the latest research and guidance on obesity in order to provide the best possible care for their patients. All of them could access up-to-date information on this topic through medical organizations and government agencies, such as the federal Ministry of Health (SSa) and the Mexican Society of Nutrition and Endocrinology (SMNE).

Let’s not stop seeing obesity as the great health problem in Mexico, with all its consequences for health. Thus, general practitioners have a crucial role in guiding patients on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and prevent obesity-related chronic diseases. Therefore, it is essential that they are updated and sensitized on this topic to provide the best possible care to their patients.

Canifarma makes change of couriers

Last Friday, March 17, the National Chamber of the Pharmaceutical Industry (Canifarma) held its traditional 74th Annual General Assembly, where it took the opportunity to make a change of post offices.

The new Board of Directors that will direct their destinies is headed by Augusto Muench Castañeda, president; Dagoberto Cortés Cervantes, Vice President; Jaime López Silanes, treasurer; Nicolás Linares Cuéllar, treasurer; Raúl Vivar Orozco, secretary; and Alfredo Rimoch Lewinberg, Deputy Secretary. Good luck to all of them in their new orders!


Congratulations to the PROQUINA-Bayer plant on its 60th anniversary, which it celebrated with the inauguration of a new production module, which will increase the manufacture of APIs (active pharmaceutical ingredients) and Intermediates to supply the Bergkamen production plant, in Germany, as well as the supply of contraceptives to the Yasmin Family and Angeliq. Congratulations.

Jorge Arturo Castillo has a degree in Communication Sciences (CC) and a master’s degree in International Relations (RI) from the FCPyS of the UNAM. He is managing partner of Comunicación CM, from where he edits specialized media in the pharmaceutical, health, energy and technology industries. He has been a professor of journalism in the CC major, at UNAM, for more than 27 years. He is a content generator and has held various journalistic positions in the main media outlets in Mexico, as well as some international ones.

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