General Season 19th Sunday: God, Our Righteous Property!

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It is an unconscious mind that dulls our knowledge and thoughts so that we cannot realize that God is within and near us!

Sunday Thought 07082022

Selvaraj Soosaimanikam : Vatican

(Texts I. Psalm 18:6-9 II. Hebrews 11:1-2,8-19 III. Luke 12:32-48)

Today we celebrate the 19th Sunday of Lent. Today’s texts emphasize to us that only God should be our true wealth. Today’s hymn also mentions that ‘Blessed are the people whom the Lord has known as his property’. It also tells us better that if we want God to be our property, we should be very careful in fulfilling worldly affairs.

The king of that country, who had been penance for a long time and prayed for God’s vision, got God’s vision that day. Overjoyed, the king asked for a boon saying, “God, as you have given me darshan, you should also give darshan to my wife the queen, the royal family, ministers and all the people of the country.” God said, “Well, let it be so.” “There is a high mountain, bring everyone there. I am giving darshan” and disappeared. After a few days, the king took his royal family, ministers and people and left for the hill. Everyone began to climb the mountain eager to see God. After going a little higher, there were copper rocks. Immediately, half of the people started breaking the copper rocks. Seeing this, the king said loudly, “Everyone is going to get the vision of God, there is nothing in front of it, everyone come.” They said, “Manna, what is needed now is what to do with God’s vision” and returned home with broken copper rocks on their heads. After saying ‘go anyway’, the king took the rest and started climbing the mountain.

A few miles up the hill there were lots of silvery rocks and pieces of silver. On seeing it, the rest of the people ran and started packing it. Then the king said loudly to the people again, “What are these silver bars going to be used for before you get the vision of the priceless God?” To that they said, Manna, now the silver nuggets will help them survive more than the vision of God, and the rest of the people also went back after taking as many of them as they could. The king said, ‘That’s all your signature’, and continued his journey up the hill with the rest of the royal family. Now Thangamalai was visible at a little distance. All the royal family have gone there. Finally, only the Queen, Ministers and Army Commander were present. The king took them and crossed three-quarters of the hill saying, ‘Okay, let’s go.’ Then a beautiful diamond mountain was seen there. On seeing that, all the people who were there, starting with the queen, ran away. Finally, the king stood alone on the top of the hill. God appeared before the king and asked, “Where are your people?” The king bowed his head and said, “Their greed for worldly things has made it impossible for them to see your vision. Forgive me, God.” God replied, “Who am I and how I am, only a few people in India are aware of themselves. Only they consider me as true wealth. My darshan is always available to such people. He disappeared saying that all others are trapped in the delusive illusions of wealth like copper, silver, gold and diamonds.

Today’s second reading brings Abraham’s life of faith before our eyes. Throughout his life, Abraham had only God as his rightful property and true wealth. His entire life was strongly bound up in God’s grace. He always depended on God alone for everything. We see two important events in Abraham’s life. First, the Lord said to Abram, “Get out of your country and your people and your father’s house and go to the land that I will show you. I will make you a great race; I will bless you. I will make your name special; You will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you; I will curse those who curse you; Through you all the peoples of the earth will be blessed.” (Numbers 12:1-3), he did not deny and began his journey, trusting only in the Lord. Because of this, It was by faith that Abraham obeyed when he was called and went to the place of his inheritance. He left without knowing where he was going. It was by faith that he settled and lived as a stranger in the promised land. He dwelt in tents with Isaac and Jacob, co-owners of the same promise. For he was looking forward to a city with unshakeable foundations. It is God who designed and built it That is what St. Paul tells us about Abraham’s life of faith.

Secondly, “Take your son, your only son Isaac whom you love, and go to the land of Moriah. There you shall sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I will show you.” (Numbers 22:2-3) When God called Abraham, he came forward to sacrifice his only son without hesitation. That is why, He realized that God is able to raise the dead. So, he got his son back (Heb 11:19) says St. Paul.

In today’s gospel, “Where your wealth is, there your heart will be.” (Luke 12:32-34) What Jesus says is a very important message for us. Wealth takes priority in all stages of our life. That is, because many people think that they should earn more money without working, become big, get name and fame, all the evil activities are rampant in the society. In particular, this greed is fueling the fire of diversity in man, who was created as one race in the image and likeness of God. The crocodile comes to the bank of the river, digs a hole and lays eggs, closes it and goes back into the water. But, even though it is in the water, its entire focus is on those eggs. That is, thinking that someone will come and take the eggs away, the crocodile will circle around the river bank until the hatchlings hatch. Similarly, when man becomes enslaved to money and wealth instead of God, his entire focus is always on wealth. That is why the Lord Jesus said,Where your wealth is, there your soul will be’ He warns us that. So, the only way to get rid of this is to always be alert. In today’s Gospel, it is clearly mentioned that only a vigilant worker will gain reputation from his leader.

Guru and disciple were walking to meditate in a cave on the mountain. Half an hour has passed since it started. The disciple was walking briskly ahead, with the Guru quietly following behind. In no time the disciple disappeared from the Guru’s sight and went far away. Guru was walking slowly. A few minutes passed. The hasty disciple sat wearily at a distance. Guru was walking with a palm in his hand. When he came to the disciple he gave the patchouli in his hand to the disciple and asked him to smell it. When the disciple smelled it, it smelled like lemon. Its fragrance invigorated the mind and body of the disciple. “Master, what leaf is this?” The disciple asked, “Its name is lemon grass. It looks like ordinary grass but smells like lemon,” he replied. “I have a question for you Guru. Don’t take it wrongly,” asked the disciple, smiling. Listen…” said Guru.

“Does one need a Guru for spiritual advancement?” “Does one need a guru until he attains awareness?” “What is awareness?” The disciple raised some questions. “Didn’t you smell the lemongrass I gave you? Did you know about the lemon grass that was here before that?” Guru asked, “I don’t know,” said the disciple. “Just sit here till I come. The grass has grown like a bush near your feet. Here you sit until someone else gives it to you, not even knowing the item is under your feet. If you were aware, you would have known that,” said the Guru. “Then we need a guru until awareness comes?” The disciple asked, “Guru is needed until enlightenment comes.” After awakening, you will feel that the Guru is everywhere.” So does everyone need a Guru?” The disciple asked again, “Yes. That is why lemongrass grows on this mountain year after year, many people like you and me come here and narrate the same question and answer.

Ignorance is the dulling of our knowledge and thoughts so that we do not realize that God is within and near us. That is, worldly illusions and greed for wealth obscure our inner eyes that see God. Therefore, if we have only God as our great wealth, like our great father Abraham, we will be able to live as the conscious workers that Jesus said. Let’s ask the Lord for the blessing on this day.

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