Generali, Caltagirone withdraws from the agreement with Del Vecchio and the Crt Foundation

by time news

The companies of the Caltagirone group adhering to the Shareholders’ Agreement signed on 10 September 2021 with Delfin concerning ordinary shares of Assicurazioni Generali and to which the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Torino subsequently joined, announce “that yesterday they communicated to the others parties the unilateral withdrawal from the Agreement with immediate effect “. This is what the companies of the Caltagirone group underline, announcing in a letter the unilateral withdrawal with immediate effect of the Agreement with Del Vecchio and the Crt Foundation.

The companies of the Caltagirone group, ie the Group C companies, “believe that the function to which the Agreement was preordained has now been superseded. Consequently, the group C companies intend to dissolve the commitments, albeit for consultation only, envisaged by the Agreement in view of the next meeting so as to pursue their own strategies and pre-choose their own voting policies and the exercise of shareholder prerogatives in an open way in comparison with the market and the generality of investors. mutual commitments that had been agreed “.

The companies of the Caltagirone group “have reached the decision to present their own list for the renewal of the Board of Assicurazioni Generali, although no unambiguous determination has yet been made regarding the promotion of a so-called ‘long’ or ‘short’ list”, they underline the companies of the Caltagirone group.

“The company never showed any real willingness to compare with the purpose shared by the parties. Just think of the fact that the desire to confirm the current CEO was made known before and regardless of any adequate interlocution and for di more before the approval of the procedure, highly reprehensible in its contents for the presentation of a dispute by the Board, a choice that is not supported by any justified reason “, the companies of the Caltagirone group underline again, adding:” one more thinks of the circumstance that In spite of the many reservations expressed within the Board and by the market, Assicurazioni Generali, in the meantime – underline the companies in a letter addressed to Delfin and the Cassa di Risparmio di Torino Foundation – continued the initiatives aimed at presenting a list of the Council presented a new industrial plan which follows the management up to now carried out and retained totally unsatisfactory by group C companies, and in any case, which ignores the requests for change shared by the members of the shareholders’ agreement “.

Nonetheless, explain the companies of the Caltagirone group, “already after the signing of the Agreement, all kinds of allegations about different and further objectives that the paciscants would have intended to pursue have been, and continue to be, disseminated by the press. , and which nevertheless contribute to altering the perception of the real, documented and unambiguous purposes of the Pact “.

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