Generation after generation, law firms are moving in the direction of high-tech

by time news

In parallel with the struggle to attract and retain the quality manpower that is conducted among themselves, and among high-tech companies, further changes are taking place in law firms in particular, and in the world of law in general: the process of transferring the stick between the ‘older generation’ , And the mergers and divisions in law firms are changing the rules of the game and shaping a different industry than we knew until a long time ago, “Boutique firms will continue to operate, large ones will grow, medium ones will have a very hard time,” says Sheila Zebra-Weiss, Duns 100 director at Dun & Bradstreet. , Against the background of the publication of the niche ranking in the legal industry, “We have encountered in the current ranking quite a few phenomena that change and will dramatically change the face of the world of law”

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