Geneva: Mr. Zniber opens the 16th “Nelson Mandela” World Human Rights Moot Court Competition

by times news cr

2024-07-16 02:24:14

In a statement of circumstance, Mr. Zniber, also Ambassador Permanent Representative of Morocco in Geneva, stressed the importance of this competition to forge the spirit of constructive criticism, exchange and sharing of values, with the aim of renewing the commitment of everyone to human rights.

“I sincerely hope that this moot court competition will be an important professional development experience and that it will make you more effective lawyers and jurists,” he said to the competition participants.

According to Mr. Zniber, this competition should be seen as a great opportunity to “renew our individual and collective commitment to work tirelessly to build a world where every human life has the same value, no matter what happens and no matter the cost.”

And to clarify that the moot court competition responds to this call to action by training tomorrow’s lawyers and human rights defenders in the important skills they will need to stand up and defend human rights for all.

“I hope that your participation in this moot court competition will inspire you to take action to address today’s pressing human rights issues, both at the national, regional and international levels,” the diplomat continued.

Mr. Zniber highlighted the valuable contribution of the participants in the 16th Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition as defenders and future leaders in the field of human rights.

“Your passion and dedication are an inspiration. The Human Rights Council relies on people like you to continue its work to promote universal respect for the protection of all human rights and fundamental freedoms for all, and to address situations of human rights violations,” he said.

Mr. Zniber also highlighted the historic contribution of Nelson Mandela, an emblematic figure in the promotion and defense of human rights, whose life was marked by the fight against discrimination.

The Nelson Mandela Global Human Rights Moot Court Competition is jointly organised by the Centre for Human Rights, Faculty of Law, University of Pretoria, the Academy of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, American University and the Commonwealth States Secretariat, in collaboration with the United Nations Human Rights Council Branch, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights.

The annual competition brings together law students in Geneva to argue a hypothetical human rights case.

2024-07-16 02:24:14

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