Genís Roca: “The arrival of artificial intelligence was absolutely predictable”

by time news

2023-09-18 06:35:00

In episode number 16, Eduard Batlle talks to the Girona archaeologist Genís Roca, technological and digital consultant, entrepreneur, university professor and president of the Fundació.cat.; privileged observer of a change of technological and digital age that he portrays saying that “everything is not as dizzying as it seems”. In the episode, contributes lto his vision on digital transformation and the changes it is generating in society, entities and companiesand defends that we cannot be surprised by the arrival of artificial intelligence and that “it was absolutely predictable”.

Genís Roca is one Internet “thinking mind” and a visionary. And in these moments of change for the explosion of artificial intelligence, gives his opinion on the new era. “We are in a very interesting moment because we are living the end of the industrial society and the beginning of the digital society.” And for this reason, Roca maintains that this current generation has “the difficult challenge to decide at what pace he lets some things go and at what pace he takes others. It’s the art of knowing at what pace you’re transitioning.”

Era of transformations

The world of the Internet and social networks has always been passionate about his profession as an archaeologist and watched him as an entrepreneur and consultant. Changes and transformations in a change of time that has also been carried out in a business capacity. “Change is never pleasant. No one changes because they feel like it… but people change pushed or forced by the situation”, he explains about the challenge of change as it has happened in society throughout history and that humans, in general, entry we tend to see them in a negative way. “Change is always an effort, therefore, change is always a tension, but it is also true that life is change.”

And in relation to the emergence of artificial intelligence, which represents another major change within the digital revolutionRoca maintains that we now have to get used to “seeing how novelties such as artificial intelligence, which are still in the laboratory, jump into production when we have neither regulated nor approved them. This is indeed the surprise! The trend of the last five or six years is that research has moved out of the laboratory and into production. And for this reason, AI, a predictable thing from the laboratory, is already on the street.”

During the conversation, Roca also recalls the role of the Fundació.cat that he directs and Catalan thinkers whom he admires for their privileged ideas such as Jorge Wagensbergfounder of the Barcelona Science Museum, and Gabriel Ferratéfounding rector of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the Open University of Catalonia.

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