Genital mutilation for 200 million women, Amref and Mds Italy against gender-based violence

by time news

Access to education, the right to health, economic opportunities, leadership: various progress has been made to improve the condition of African women and girls, but the objectives achieved are not yet sufficient. On the occasion of March 8, International Women’s Day, Amref Health Africa-Italia e Msd Italyunited by the fight alongside women, reaffirm their commitment against female genital mutilation.

African women and girls – reports a joint note – they are twice as likely as boys to have no formal education, about 63% of the world’s extremely poor women live in sub-Saharan Africa. Many of them do not have access to essential health services: 66% of cases of maternal mortality are recorded on the African continent. Gender inequalities are perpetuated through various forms of violence: in addition to domestic and sexual violence, the most common gender-based violence in Africa includes the circumcision of girls, marriages and early pregnancies.

Gender, social and economic discrimination – continues the note – also cause enormous damage to the whole continent: since 2010 they have cost an average of 95 billion dollars a year. Health decisions are too often made without women’s input, even when the issues at stake affect them directly, as in the case of maternal and reproductive health. According to UN estimates, 200 million girls and women worldwide have undergone genital mutilation. 80% of cases of female genital mutilation are concentrated in Africa. Due to limitations related to the Covid-19 pandemic, progress towards FGM eradication is expected to decrease by 1/3 by 2030, according to a recent UNFPA report.

Amref promotes female emancipation, the fight against genital mutilation, the protection of maternal health, so that women are increasingly aware of their rights and of the fundamental role they have as agents of change. According to the survey carried out by the Bicocca University for the Equal Opportunities Department in 2019, there are 87,600 excised women in Italy, of which 7,600 are minors, and another 4,600 at risk of FGM. With the aim of preventing and combating gender-based violence represented by mutilations, thanks to the support of a historic partner such as Msd Italia, Amref is active through a multidisciplinary and multi-sectoral approach in the territories of Milan, Padua, Turin and Rome.

With the project “P-Act: activation paths against the cut of rights” Amref works alongside institutions and communities through training and awareness-raising actions that aim to activate and strengthen the prevention and social-health care of child victims or at risk of FGM.

Supporting Amref in the fight against this terrible and unjust practice, as a mother, daughter and woman, makes me really proud – he claims Nicoletta Luppi, president and managing director of Msd Italia -. We are talking about a violation of human rights that affects many young people all over the world, including in Italy. Thanks to the constant commitment of Amref, and the support of a company like Msd Italia, which has always been oriented towards others and close to those who need it most, we can and must stop”.

With a great sense of responsibility – continues the note – MSD has always been committed to improving and saving people’s lives, revolutionizing the therapeutic paradigms for dozens of pathologies. A mission that it pursues also thanks to the collaboration with multiple associations and NGOs, including Amref, to support programs and activities capable of concretely supporting the communities in which it is present, all over the world, and promoting a culture focused on respect for equality , equity and inclusion.

“The battle against gender-based violence is a common battle – she maintains Guglielmo Micucci, director of Amref Italia -. In the fight against female genital mutilation, in Italy we do what we have been doing in Africa for over twenty years, also thanks to the trust that Msd Italia places in the work and in the values ​​of Amref. Gender equality and for the rights, respect and self-determination of women and girls is and must be a global priority. Collaboration with companies plays a fundamental role in achieving the sustainable development goals of the United Nations Agenda 2023”.

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