Genomic Center Updates Research: Monkeypox 2022 is spread through anal, oral, vaginal sex.

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Genomic Center Updates Research: Monkeypox 2022 is spread through anal, oral, vaginal sex.

On August 21, the Medical Genome Center Faculty of Medicine Hospital (Hospital) Ramathibodi, Mahidol University Post a message on the Facebook page Center for Medical Genomics updates research on the factors of the epidemic. smallpox or Smallpox (Monkeypox) In 2022, researchers and experts from various institutions around the world Most saw that The spread of monkeypox off Africa in 2022 is caused by sex. or close contact especially the anus, mouth and vagina. How can the virus that causes monkeypox enter our body? To help control, prevent and treat chickenpox effectively.

The message states that “Is it right” The 2022 monkey pox epidemic is a serious epidemic outside of Africa. Most are transmitted between men who have sex with men (anal and oral intercourse between men), only a minority through prolonged skin-to-skin contact or through shared objects?

It is imperative that we know that How the monkey pox virus can enter our body (route of transmission/infection), thereby helping to control, prevent and treat monkey pox infections effectively.

Dr. Rosamund Lewis (Rosamund Lewis), Head of Smallpox Technologist The World Health Organization announced that “We still don’t know. We don’t have any clear information yet.” It is enough to conclude that the monkey pox virus is transmitted through sexual intercourse.
The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US CDC) has summarized the human-to-human transmission of monkeypox virus 2022 as follows:

– Direct contact with rashes, pustules, scabs, or body secretions in persons infected with monkey pox
– Touching objects, clothing, bedding, towels and surfaces used or touched by a smallpox patient.
– Contact with secretions from the respiratory tract
Contacts can occur during close contact, including:
-Oral, anal, and vaginal sex, or touching the genitals (penis, testes, lips, and vagina) or anus (anal hole) with a person infected with the monkey pox virus.
-Hugs, massages and kisses
– Stay in touch for a long time
– Touching clothes and things during sex with a person with smallpox The items have not been sterilized, such as sheets, towels, clothes worn during sex and sex toys.

People infected with monkeypox can infect others from the onset of symptoms until the rash or blisters have completely healed. and a new layer of skin is formed instead, it takes 2-4 weeks

What we still don’t know and scientists around the world are researching to come to the right conclusions:

-Can the monkey pox virus be spread from people who are asymptomatic? (asymptomatic infection)
-At what stage are people infected with smallpox monkeys more likely to transmit the virus through respiratory secretions to others?
– Monkey pox can spread through semen. Vaginal fluids, urine or feces?

Experts around the world have begun to observe, for example, on August 14, 2022. Dr. Jeffrey Klosner (Jeffrey Klausner), infectious disease physician University of Southern California and Dr Laozi Allan-Blitz (Lao-Tzu Allan-Blitz) at Brigham and Women’s Hospital In Boston, a peer-reviewed review of scientific data supports the argument that The vast majority of current outbreaks of the monkey pox virus are transmitted through anal and oral intercourse between men who have sex with men.

In a study of 197 monkeypox cases among MSM in London. published on July 28 in the journal The BMJ which is a journal of British Medical Association Researchers found that 56 percent of the infected had lesions in the genital area and 42 percent had the anus. and in research published July 21 in the journal The New England Journal of Medicine A global team of researchers collected clinical data of 538 monkeypox patients, all of whom have sex with men from around the world, and found that 73 percent of them had lesions on the genital or anal area.

Dr. Oriol Mitja (Oriol Mitja), Associate Professor of Infectious Diseases at University Hospital Brothers Trias and Pujol In Spain, researchers published in the journal The Lancet Monkeypox is said to be the most effective way to spread the disease. When the virus comes in contact with the mucous membranes of the anus, genitals, mouth and throat.

The monkey pox virus can spread through the lining of the mouth. Or rectal is easier than touching the skin that covers the body. The part of the skin that needs to be abrasions or fresh wounds for the virus to enter the person’s body.

Dr. Erith de Batselelier (Irith De Baetselier) and a team of researchers from Belgium The sample was taken from the area swap. 225 self-collected anorectal swabs for sexually transmitted diseases (STI) screening at sexual health clinics were tested for smallpox virus. Four of the monkeys with PCR were found with one positive result, one asymptomatic, the other three with asymptomatic infection. Accounted for 1.3% asymptomatic infection

Dr. Dimi Ocoina (Dimie Ogoina), a professor of medicine and infectious disease at the university.niger delta In Nigeria, one of the WHO’s smallpox experts agrees with Dr Mitja’s findings that support a link between the characteristics of sex among MSM and the outcome of monkeypox. By commenting that “This does not mean Women or other genders are not at risk for monkey pox. But it may be because the lining of the female genitalia tends to ‘No abrasions’ during sexual activity causing the virus to enter the body.”

When the virus spreads through non-sexual means The efficiency of the outbreak is greatly reduced. From the genetic decoding, it was found that There is a slow mutation. and with rates similar to those of the monkey pox virus strains. It is clade/variant at I and IIa in Africa, with only one mutation on the genome per year, while the 2022 monkeypox virus IIb outbreak outside Africa. Most of the outbreaks are found in Europe, America and Australia. has a fast outbreak rate There is 1 mutation on the genome line per month. have low disease severity Mortality was less than 1% (<1%). Monkey pox virus strains I and IIa more than 46 sites due to human enzymes produced by genes. “APOBEC3” Which is responsible for preventing viruses from invading cells by such enzymes to stimulate the genome. Viruses have a specific mutation (TT converts to TA or GA turns into AA) that damages the genome and prevents viral proliferation.

The remainder of the virus appears as a scar (TT turns TA or GA turns AA) on the genome line. The IIb strain has been consistently infecting people-to-human among 99 percent of MSM.

Researchers reported in The New England Journal of Medicine It was estimated that only 0.8 percent of the monkeypox infections they analyzed were. Monkeypox infections were caused by non-sexual intimacy, and only 0.6 percent were from family contact. In contrast, 95 percent of monkeypox infections in 2022 outside Africa occurred during MSM. Another group of researchers, reporting in the journal Lancet, estimated that 3 percent of the monkey pox cases they analyzed had non-sexual family contacts.

However, many infectious disease experts It is not believed that sex is the main driver of the current outbreak. Because that’s not how the monkey pox virus is spreading in African countries. “In the past, the primary mode of transmission for the monkey pox virus was through skin contact with abrasions or fresh wounds. caused by animals scratching and biting.”

If the scientific proof to come out soon indicates that Monkey pox is transmitted through sex between MSM. And it rarely happens by touch. It will challenge the public health guidelines of many countries around the world. It is now recommended that people infected with the monkey pox virus should be isolated from others during the time of illness. blisters appear on the body This may last for several weeks.

Dr. Jeffrey Klosner call for U.S.CDC and infectious disease prevention agencies of each country Modify the education of their people. It emphasized the correlation of sex with monkeypox epidemic.

“If we accept that Sexual intercourse is the main means of the monkeypox 2022 virus that is now spreading rapidly outside Africa. We (health officials and people) can reduce the spread. by communicating to create awareness Have at-risk groups reduce sex with multiple partners until vaccinated” or “Should use condoms while having sex.”

Dr. Allan-Blitz Know the social stigma that will arise If people learn that Monkey pox is the most sexually transmitted among gay men. because it may stimulate the phenomenon “Homophobia/Homophobia” or hate or fear of LGBT or homosexual people. It’s an unreasonable fear. Hate Discrimination against people with homosexual orientation or homosexual behavior As has happened in the past with people with HIV.

But he said, however, to keep silent about the 2022 outbreak of the monkeypox virus outside Africa could also cause immeasurable damage. Because people are at risk of contracting the monkey pox virus. Because there is a wrong way to protect yourself. Due to incomplete information from those involved in controlling the outbreak

“In our silence or stillness It can be dangerous as well.” Dr Allan-Blitz said

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