Gentle Yoga on the Chair for the Elderly

by time news

Saturday, November 26, 2022 11:30 am t/m 12:00

Gentle Yoga on the Chair for the Elderly

During the Open Day of the 55+ Foundation, Saturday, November 26, 2022, you will have the opportunity to experience for yourself what Soft Yoga on the Chair is. You are welcome between 11:30-12:00. Every 10 minutes in that half hour there is a short participation session.

Location: Schuttersveld 17, 7514 AC Enschede.

Call teacher Teresa Brefeld for more information (06-52140893) or go to

This Soft yoga class on the chair takes into account the elderly and their movement options. In addition to the seated exercises, there are also standing exercises. Standing exercises can be performed partly by leaning on the chair. However, it is also important that participants can stand reasonably easily.

Movement forms from the East such as Qi Gong, Hatha yoga and Kundalini yoga alternate. The general denominator is that the movement and the breath are coordinated with each other.

Each class begins with a gentle warm-up, followed by a series, followed by relaxation, and finally pranayama (which is a specific and meditative breathing exercise) or other type of meditation. Sometimes the order is reversed and after the yoga exercises there is a pranayama / meditation and then a relaxation as a conclusion.

This pranayama or meditation is also accompanied by a mantra. What is a mantra and how does it work? The word Mantra comes from Sanskrit and is made up of two parts: ‘man’ (mind/mind) and ‘tra’ (instrument or tool). By repeating the sounds of the mantra (out loud, whispering or in your mind) a vibration is created. This vibration resonates with the environment, within us and around us. You don’t even have to understand the words you say for them to take effect. However, understanding it gives an extra dimension to the experience. Each mantra has its own effect.

The aim is to move in a healthy breathing manner; to strengthen and balance body and mind and to continue the day rested and with new energy after class.

You can experience a full trial lesson at Stichting 55+ on Tuesdays 13:45-14:45, on 10 and 17 January 2023.

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