Geo National Police | How much do you charge?

by time news

The elite unit of the National Police and of the whole of the Spanish armed forces and who carry out those missions that other police officers cannot carry out, either because they are too dangerous or because they require a special qualificationthey are called Special Operations Group.

Founded in 1977, the GEO it is created taking the example of German anti-terror group GSG-9with the objective of fight against terrorism and different organized crime groups that operated in Spain in the decade of 70’s. In its forty-year history, the group has freed more than four hundred hostages and dismantled forty terrorist commandos and numerous organized groups.

As it happens with the national policemen and also with the agents of the Civil Guard, their work leads them to risk their lives, which is why they receive a danger bonus.


But this police force is quite rigorous when choosing its members for the demanding missions and tasks they carry out. The first of the requirements is to have been an active agent of the National Police Force (CNP) for at least one year.

After that year, a medical examination must be passed to demonstrate that there is no problem to fulfill the duty. In addition, you have to pass some demanding physical tests and a personality test, which will determine whether or not the person is fit for the body. A general knowledge test, a personal interview and a group one will be the last mental requirements to pass, in order to demonstrate that you can work as a team.


Once you are part of this elitist police group, and despite the fact that the salary is conditioned by rank, category, the autonomous community where you work and the different operations that are carried out, the GEOs charge from 24,000 to 30,000 euros per year as salary. base.

For example, by the year 2023, a GEO with the Inspector category (A1) would receive a base salary of 1,288.31 euros gross per month and one with the category of Police (C1) would have a base salary of 836.41 euros gross per month, to which seniority must also be added -a GEO in group A1 will receive 49.59 euros gross per month for each completed three-year period, while one with the category of Police (C1 ) would charge 30.61 euros gross per month for each three-year period.

three years

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The latter is a supplement for each three years of service. In this way, the most experienced GEOs can receive a base between 38,000 and 41,000 euros per year. Regarding the complements, some of them are the destination (CD) or the specific one (CE), linked to the level of dedication, responsibility or difficulty of each position. You can also add productivity bonuses, overtime or allowances, among others.

Therefore, the average salary of these police officers is around 2,800 euros per month. However, if you carry out extraordinary and risky activities in another country, you may be able to collect 3,000 euros morewith which, exceptionally, a geo can earn a salary of up to 6,000 euros per month.

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