geographical, white, flat or fissured, what does it mean-

by time news
Of Antonella Sparvoli

There are some alterations in the appearance of this organ that are very common and can be indicative of particular conditions. Here are the most widespread and recognizable

Who has never looked the tongue upon awakening thinking it could be some kind of litmus test of one’s health? Effectively sometimes different information can be drawn from it. It is no coincidence that doctors have been doing this for hundreds of years and the custom is still common among doctors and dentists.

Can there really be a correlation between the aspect of language and health?

“The” diagnostic “role ofappearance of the dorsal surface of the tongue (the previous one) has its roots in the most ancient medicines of both Hippocratic and Galenic tradition (Greek and Roman) and Chinese – he premised Silvio Abati, associate professor of odontostomatological diseases of the Vita-Salute San Raffaele University of Milan -. Although studies on the subject have not shown clear and unequivocal correlations between the health of the tongue and that of the organism, it cannot be denied that sometimes its observation may be useful to suspect diseases which concern the organism as a whole or the oral cavity itself “.

What are the most common language changes?

“Given that everyone has their own tongue, more or less pink
and with a more or less homogeneous surface (thanks to genetics, lifestyle habits, nutrition, etc.), there are some alterations in its appearance which are very common and can be indicative of particular conditions. This is the case, for example, of the widespread geographical language (also known as benign migrant glossitis), a condition of interest up to 15 percent of the populationespecially young people.

In these individuals the tongue has characteristic red patches, with or without a white border, which appear and disappear over a few days and then reappear in other areas of the tongue. The causes are unknown, although a familiarity is evident. Not only that, in most cases c
hi have this type of tongue suffer from respiratory or food allergies

. It is not a manifestation of the allergy, but a sign that suggests the possibility that that patient is suffering from an allergic condition.

Oral hygiene

Sometimes the language, as well as geographic, it can also be fissuredwhich does not cause particular problems, although, when oral hygiene is not optimal, there is a risk of microbes accumulating at the bottom of these crevices, causing irritation. A widespread problem is also that of white tongue. There are several reasons why the lingual patina can be thickened, giving a yellowish-white colorfor example, less meticulous oral hygiene or the fact that you breathe a lot with your mouth due to a cold or other obstructions of the nasal passages.

The fact is that in those with a white tongue we often see an alteration of the bacterial flora living on the tongue. In its rear part, “bad” bacteria tend to accumulate, similar to those found in the gum line, with negative effects on the breath. The white tongue can also be a sign of candidiasis, but in these cases there are also other signs. Furthermore, this type of disorder is more common in immunosuppressed people “.

What does dry tongue mean?

«Dry tongue is another very common problem. In these cases l
the tongue becomes flatterso much so that the British call it bald tongue, i.e. bald tongue. Could be s
pia of different conditions from iron, folate or vitamin B12 deficiency anemia
to disorders that cause respiratory obstruction. Another common cause is the chronic use of certain medications, especially in the elderly, such as diuretics and tranquilizers which tend to reduce saliva. When the mouth is very dry there can also be lesions from rubbing the mucous membranes ».

March 16, 2022 (change March 17, 2022 | 19:32)

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