Gérald Darmanin seeks to balance his future bill

by time news

Gérald Darmanin gave the impression of looking for an anchor point on his left, Tuesday, September 20, when he was heard by the deputies of the law commission. “There are plenty of people who probably deserve regularizations and who don’t have them today”declared the Minister of the Interior, regretting that an undocumented worker must necessarily be supported by his employer to come out of hiding. “I think it’s a balance of power that is not positive for the employeeunderlined the minister. If we change that in the law, it will be a good thing. »

While a consultation and a parliamentary debate on immigration have been announced for the fall, before the examination of a bill in early 2023, Mr. Darmanin seems to complete his copy by widening the scope of the future text, including he had until then only distilled the repressive elements into the public debate.

“Immigration is not just thatsupports an adviser from Matignon. There are also subjects such as attracting talent, students, regularization, reflections on the foreign workforce who agrees to train in jobs in tension… It will be on the menu of the debate and it will come enrich the subject. » On September 15, Mr. Macron himself pleaded before the prefects for a better distribution of foreigners received on the territory, in particular in the “rural areas”. “We must show what immigration can bring to the territories”continues the senior official of Matignon.

“Structural difficulties”

In the meantime, Mr. Darmanin also reminded the Assembly that he wanted more harshness towards delinquent foreigners or that the refusal of an asylum application entails “concomitantly” an obligation to leave the territory (OQTF). Provisions which, according to our information, were the subject of a conclusive interministerial meeting at the end of July and are this time likely to constitute an anchor point on the right. In a document submitted to this meeting by the Ministry of the Interior and which The world was able to consult, whole sections of the immigration bill have already found a wording that seems accomplished.

Thus, the government text would extend from one to three years the period during which an OQTF allows the placement in administrative detention or the house arrest of a foreigner. The government justifies this measure in order to avoid “a legal weakening of the already complex chain of removal”. Still to strengthen the scope of these OQTFs, the execution rate of which has become, over the years, the unit for measuring the effectiveness of a migration policy, the government wants to reduce the period during which a foreigner can voluntarily leave the territory and below which he cannot be placed in detention or assigned.

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