Gérald Darmanin wants military supervision for juvenile offenders in overseas territories

by time news

Following the precepts of his former mentor, Nicolas Sarkozy, Gérald Darmanin is preparing his return to politics by applying the carpet bombing − literally, “the carpet of bombs”. Or, in marketing, the massive distribution of advertising messages. Two days before the first Council of Ministers, scheduled for Wednesday August 24, the Minister of the Interior and Overseas France is multiplying martial declarations and shocking announcements in terms of security and the fight against irregular immigration. From Mayotte, where he has been since Sunday morning, he proposed the establishment, in the overseas territories − and “particularly in Mayotte” −, of “places of recovery” for young offenders, who would be supervised by soldiers.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers In Mayotte, Gérald Darmanin continues his offensive on immigration

“The police and gendarmes I decorated today evoked minors aged 12, 11, 10, who had machetes, axes, and attacked the police and gendarmes”he declared Monday evening in front of the press, at the end of a day of visits on this island of the Indian Ocean, wedged between East Africa and Madagascar. “Today, the magistrates, and this is quite normal, release them, since children are not put in prison (which is the school of vice when you are that age), but you still have to offer a place of sanction and education, I was going to say re-education”, he continued.

Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, takes part in a ceremony at the Pamandzi gendarmerie barracks in Mayotte, Monday August 22, 2022.

Mr. Darmanin recalled that it was a campaign promise from Emmanuel Macron who, he seemed to regret, had not “not been discussed much”. « Places supervised by miliaries, which are places of rehabilitation, recovery of some of the children, very young adolescents, who have no parents, or very few. We saw it a little in Reunion, we see it a lot here in Mayotte. » “We must implement this promise from the President of the Republic”, he supported. The Keeper of the Seals, Eric Dupond-Moretti, has just announced the creation of a closed educational center in Mayotte, which Mr. Darmanin welcomed. The Minister of the Interior said he spoke with the Head of State by telephone on Monday morning on this subject and added that he would make proposals to him. ” from next week “during a meeting at the Elysée.

“Giving justice the means to act”

During the presidential campaign, Emmanuel Macron had indeed wished “the possibility of supervision by the military” for juvenile offenders. During his debate with Marine Le Pen, between the two rounds of voting, he discussed two possibilities for the “petty criminals” : “either detention in a military environment or general work under supervision”. “We must give justice the means to act”he had launched.

The interior minister also asked the director general of the national police “to study the possibility of using intermediate weapons”, like those that were during riots in Mayotte, during scuffles involving miners. He said again: “Obviously, when you apprehend minors, even extremely violent ones, there is no possibility of firing live ammunition, as you would when you are attacked by adults. »

Also read the analysis: Article reserved for our subscribers Demography, immigration, habitat: the challenges of Mayotte

On Sunday, arriving in Mayotte, Gérald Darmanin, who has been leading an offensive on the theme of immigration since the beginning of the summer, also suggested further tightening the attribution of French nationality to children born on the island. , subject to strong migratory pressure from neighboring Comoros. He wishes “suspend soli law as it exists in Mayotte”. Since 2018, a child born to foreign parents on the island can only acquire French nationality if one of their parents has resided on the territory on a regular and uninterrupted basis for more than three months before their birth. This period should be extended to « un an », wished Mr. Darmanin. This sprain to the law of the soil, which makes this French department an exception, had sparked heated debates in the National Assembly in July 2018, including within the majority.

Gérald Darmanin, Minister of the Interior, visits the Pamandzi Administrative Retention Center in Mayotte, Monday August 22, 2022.

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