Geraldo Rivera Reflects on Impact of Affirmative Action on His Career in Farewell Announcement at Fox News

by time news

Geraldo Rivera Reflects on Positive Impact of Affirmative Action on His Career in Farewell Appearance on Fox News

Last week, Geraldo Rivera bid farewell to Fox News, and during his final appearance on the network, he praised the effects that affirmative action had on his career, just days after the Supreme Court struck down a controversial college admissions policy.

Appearing on “Fox and Friends” for a festive sendoff, Rivera expressed gratitude for the opportunities he had received through affirmative action. When asked to reflect on how his career in broadcast news has touched the Hispanic community, Rivera noted, “I thank you for the opportunity because affirmative action has just been voted down by the Supreme Court of the United States and [it’s] a very controversial decision that will impact many people of color. I was a product of affirmative action over a half a century ago.”

Rivera went on to share the story of how he became involved in journalism, highlighting the lack of diversity in newsrooms back in the late 1960s. He mentioned that when the Ford Foundation and Columbia Journalism School integrated local news teams in New York, there were no Black reporters, Hispanic reporters, or women. Rivera’s involvement with Puerto Rican activists, the Young Lords, who had taken over buildings in Spanish Harlem, led to his discovery as a spokesperson for the group. This eventually led to his entry into the Columbia program and launched his successful career in journalism.

Despite the recent controversy surrounding Rivera’s departure from Fox News, his final on-air appearance celebrated his wide-ranging career. It seemed to end on a positive note, with his colleagues adorning fake mustaches and balloons in the background as they bid him farewell.

Rivera initially announced his exit from “The Five” over a week ago, citing a growing tension beyond mere editorial differences. However, he had planned to remain with the network as a correspondent at large. On Thursday, he took to social media to inform his fans that he had quit Fox News after being fired from “The Five.”

In a video posted on Twitter, Rivera stated, “So it doesn’t look like I’m gonna be on ‘The Five’ — I mean I’m not gonna be on ‘The Five.’ I’ve been fired from ‘The Five,’ and as a result of that, I quit Fox. So, I’ll have more to say about that on ‘Fox and Friends’ tomorrow morning.”

Rivera’s departure from Fox News marks the end of an era for the veteran journalist. Throughout his career, he has been known for his controversial and provocative reporting style, often sparking heated debates and discussions. While the circumstances surrounding his exit may have been contentious, Rivera’s reflection on the positive impact of affirmative action serves as a reminder of the ongoing importance of diversity and equal opportunities in the media industry.

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