Geraniums: characteristics and care – Step To Health

by time news

The beauty of the geranium flower is just one quality among many remarkable qualities of this plant. Apart from being decorative, the species is useful in natural medicine and cosmetics.

Geraniums: characteristics and care

Last update: February 15, 2023

On balconies, patios or inside the house, geraniums shine as decorative elements. Both the foliage and its flowers captivate glances, due to the colors, the texture and the aroma. The galanura is exhibited in all its splendor during spring and summer, while in autumn it reaffirms the greenness of the leaves, saving it for flowering.

The ability to resist temperature variations is another reason that makes this ornamental plant a favorite among gardeners. Taking care of her is not complex, but it is worth knowing her demands to offer you the best care. Let’s investigate the subject.

What are geraniums and what are their characteristics?

Geranium is a plant with more than 200 varieties, belonging to the family Genariaceae. The Herbarium of the Public University of Navarra describes the geranium as dicotyledonous, whose leaves have palmate veins and the flowers have 5 petals and 5 free sepals.

The fruits detach from the bottom up and the size of the specimens is variable, depending on the type and the plantation. Some reach 1 meter tall, others measure 25 centimeters and there are also mini ones.

the digital magazine Animals and Biology points out that the roots of geraniums have different shapes, determined by the species and the particularities of the substrate. As for the stem, it is level with the ground or straight, and in the aerial part it shows glandular hairs.

For its part, the Virtual Herbarium of the Western Mediterranean comments that most of the varieties occur in crops, fields and bushes. Nevertheless, the geranium known as Pelargonium It is frequently planted to decorate urban environments, either directly in the garden or in pots to decorate interiors.

benefits of geraniums

The qualities of these herbaceous plants transcend the aesthetic, since their use in pharmacy and cosmetology show satisfactory results. For example, in the industry beauty they assume it as an ingredient to nourish the skin; even those affected by acne or oily tendencies. They also take advantage of its properties in the manufacture of anti-stretch mark and anti-cellulite creams.

Likewise, the Libyan Medical Magazine reviewed the results of an experiment in which geranium rose essential oil demonstrated its anti-inflammatory power, as part of a topical treatment to relieve edema.

Similarly, the Cuban Magazine of Medicinal Plants qualify to the aqueous extract of Pelargonium as an antibacterial for oral diseases; while posting Saber (Universidad de Los Andes) highlights that geranium leaves work as a repellent, fungicide and local hemostatic on wounds or for nosebleeds.

The reduction of symptoms of the common cold is one of the attributes of the geranium, according to the magazine Family Practices.

Geranium essential oil has various applications in naturopathic medicine and aesthetics.

Care that geranium plants need

Maintaining the beauty of a geranium plant depends on the care you give it. It is believed that, well cared for, it lives 40 years or more. Take note of the recommendations that we offer below.

Good light

As long as the geranium has good daylight, flowering is strengthened. Place it in a semi-shade, so that it receives the sun’s rays adequately, especially in the hottest hours.

If the plant is to decorate interiors, the appropriate position is near a window.

As for the temperature, the ideal ranges between 18 °C and 20 °C, but they can withstand up to 30 °C. With the arrival of frosts, the matter is different. A recommendation during the winter is to cover them with bubble wrap, if the temperatures are less than 10 °C; After the extreme cold, return them outside.

Moisture without excess

Geranium soil needs moisture, but not too much.. In summer or in hot regions, daily irrigation with 250 milliliters of water is advisable; while in winter it is time to supply half every 3 days. The span is defined by how hydrated the substrate is, so that excesses do not rot the roots.

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The geranium should be fertilized in spring-summer, providing a balanced substrate between solid and liquid. They do well with organic fertilizers such as compost, green manure and humus, always combined with a little water.

However, special chemical fertilizers are suggested to enhance flowering. The application is carried out respecting the manufacturer’s instructions.

Removal of dry leaves

This kind of plants They do not require constant pruning, but the removal of dead or withered leaves. Remove branches that look weak, starting at the base.

It is estimated that a week later new stems begin to emerge.

In the case of wanting to give the geranium a special shape, perhaps hanging like an ivy, prune with garden shears, avoiding the strongest shoots. Preferably cut at the end of winter.

reproduce by cuttings

The propagation of the species is by cuttings. Choose those with a height greater than 10 centimeters and that have 3 to 4 leaves. Cut them as close to a knot as possible, to simplify the subsequent rooting.

Make sure that the earth is always moist and speed up growth by covering the pot with a holed plastic, as if it were a greenhouse. Transplant a month.

Geraniums need semi-shade, medium irrigation and an organic fertilizer in the spring and summer season.

disease prevention

The species can be attacked by pests, such as the “geranium whitefly”, “geranium borer” and the red spider mite. These are insects that harm plant tissue, forcing the use of acaricides or broad-spectrum insecticides. The cleanliness of the plant and the well-cared substrate prevent a large part of the diseases.

On the other hand, the geranium can have health failures that trigger consequences in the plant, such as knots in the stems, insufficient flowering and chlorotic leaves. Flowers and plants It is advisable to control the amount of fertilizer, especially if it contains nitrogen; check drainage and aeration; and spray a mixture of chelated iron and water on the leaves.

Recommendations to choose the best specimens

The main advice for selecting geraniums is to identify the variety that you will take home. Clarify doubts by consulting nursery specialists and taking into consideration aspects such as those mentioned below:

  • Structure: Verify that it has bushy branches and that the stem is quite strong.
  • Shoots: if it is a quality specimen, it shows many flowers of intense colors and emerging buds.
  • Plantation: the pot in which it is planted must offer adequate space for rooting and that the root does not collapse if you wish to transplant.

If there are pets at home, be careful with geraniums

Within so much visual perfection and medicinal benefits, the plant species carries a warning. And it is that if there are pets in the family, it is pertinent to locate the plant in a place that is difficult to reach, since the plant has toxic substances.

The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals argues that Geraniums are poisonous to cats and dogs. for its content of linalool and geraniol, principles that cause digestive problems and irritation. If a pet eats the plant, it could present symptoms such as dermatitis, vomiting, and depression.

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