Gérard Larcher’s warning to Macron

by time news

2023-09-02 19:30:00

In Le Parisien, the President of the Senate affirms that the Head of State faces a “requirement of results” after the “meetings of Saint-Denis”.

Source AFP Gerard Larcher, president of the Senate, spoke in Le Parisien. © XOSE BOUZAS / Hans Lucas / Hans Lucas via AFP Published on 09/02/2023 at 7:30 p.m.

Public finances, immigration, social dialogue … The President (LR) of the Senate Gérard Larcher calls on Emmanuel Macron not to be “the president of political impotence”, insisting on “the requirement of results” in an interview with Parisian released on Saturday. A few days after having phosphorus for twelve hours in the company of party leaders, at the invitation of President Macron, Gérard Larcher warns: “be careful that once again these do not lead to anything”. “Now there is a requirement for results,” he argues.

The President of the Senate, candidate for his succession at the end of the senatorial elections in September, places particular emphasis on immigration, while the executive is struggling to deliver the promised bill. A text on which the right in Parliament should be the pivot: however, the Republicans are calling for a broad constitutional reform in this area which would in particular make it possible to organize a referendum on migration policy, would call into question the primacy of European law or would enshrine the principle of assimilation in the Basic Law. “Without constitutional reform, there will be no real migration policy and therefore no successful integration policy. And we open the door to the far right if we still deceive the French on this subject, ”warns Gerard Larcher. And if Emmanuel Macron “bury” the option of a referendum, “he will assume the consequences”, still threatens the elected representative of Yvelines.

Disagreement with Sarkozy

While the government is putting the final touches to its budget and will present its public finance programming law in September, Gérard Larcher calls for “saving money”, which “requires a little political courage”. “Emmanuel Macron must not be the president of political impotence again”, he supports, still raising the specter of a motion of censure in the Assembly tabled by his party and which could overthrow the government.

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Gérard Larcher also shows himself in expectation on the announcement of an upcoming social conference, which must notably target low wages. “Is this a new pretense or the beginning of a new social dialogue? If it is only gesticulation, we will all pay dearly for it collectively, ”he says. As for the internal affairs of his party, Gérard Larcher displays his skepticism in the face of the line advocated by former President Nicolas Sarkozy who calls on the right to rally widely, from Emmanuel Macron to Eric Zemmour. “Political life needs clarity, there are big impossible gaps”, he assures.

#Gérard #Larchers #warning #Macron

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