Gerardo Fernández Noroña asks that reelection be maintained, contrary to what Claudia Sheinbaum says

by times news cr

2024-07-13 05:32:29

The senator-elect, Gerardo Fernandez Norona spoke out against the proposal Claudia Sheinbaum on eliminating re-election, which he considers a mistake and asks for it to be maintained.

July 3, Claudia Sheinbaum, virtual president of Mexicoannounced a constitutional initiative so that There is no re-election of deputies and senatorsbecause it was established without citizen demand.

For the same, Claudia Sheinbaum will send to the Ministry of the Interior the procedure for this reform against the re-election of deputies and senators along with other initiatives as part of the transition period.

Gerardo Fernández Noroña considers it a mistake to eliminate reelection, contrary to what Claudia Sheinbaum says

After leaving the fifth forum for the reform of the Judicial Branch, today Friday, July 12, Gerardo Fernández Noroña spoke out about the reform against reelection that explained Claudia Sheinbaum.

Gerardo Fernandez Norona He was questioned by the media on various topics, including the re-election which he declared a mistake, although he stated that he would vote for it.

And in the words of Gerardo Fernández Noroña, the re-election of deputies and senators must continue because all political careers in the world are formed in Congress (Legislative Branch).

He added that does not agree with this reform given that eliminate re-election It is because it is considered that in this way the chiefdoms will be resolved, although Gerardo Fernandez Norona he doesn’t believe it.

Instead, Gerardo Fernandez Norona He believes that what should be eliminated is allowing relatives (appointed partner, siblings, children, etc.) to succeed the position, practices of mayors.

“Regarding re-election, I will vote in favor of eliminating it and I consider it a mistake. I believe [..] “Just as a political career is made in Congress, all the political careers in the world are made in Parliament.”

Gerardo Fernandez Noroña, Senator-elect

At the same time, Gerardo Fernández Noroña is also against the elimination of plurinominal deputies and senatorssince it is an attack on minorities and a “democratic setback” that would seek to remove the opposition.

He added in this vein, that it is It is unfair to eliminate minority representation which is equivalent to 60% of the Mexican vote, which without them, would have given him 85 and 90% of the Chambers of Deputies and Senators to Morena and allies.

“He who owes a lot, runs away”: Gerardo Fernández Noroña on Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez

At the same time, Gerardo Fernandez Norona He spoke about the senator-elect Miguel Angel Yunes Marquezwho fled Mexico due to various accusations from the Attorney General’s Office of the State of Veracruz.

Gerardo Fernandez Norona He declared that “he who owes a lot runs away,” although he added that both Miguel Angel Yunes and his father have had “questionable” behavior.

Likewise, Gerardo Fernández Noroña denied that it was political revenge or persecution as the PAN claimed, since his movement (Morena and allies) does not have such practices.

“Maybe he is sick [Miguel Ángel Yunes Márquez]he may have gotten sick from the scare, seeing the possibility of him going to the cool boat maybe his blood pressure changed, I have no doubt about that”

Gerardo Fernandez Noroña on the escape of Miguel Angel Yunes Marquez

He also ruled out that the Judiciary would respond to Morena to persecute Miguel Angel Yunessince there is no retaliation and he only has to respond to the accusations.

2024-07-13 05:32:29

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