Geri Zilberstein: ‘He did not just say in the Bible’ • Watch

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The Gaon Rabbi Yitzchak Zelberstein, the brother-in-law of the Minister of Torah Maran HaGrach Kanievsky Zatzokal, was the first eulogy for the greatest of the generation. In the middle of his remarks, the GRI stopped to honor the Rosh Yeshiva Hagarig Edelstein in his remarks, and then returned to complete his eulogy.

These are his words, as they were broadcast live on Kikar Hashabat:

“In the possession of our holy Torah, I want to read an article that the sages of the generation asked me to read before hundreds and tens of thousands of Israel: His own, and there is the degree of mercy who wants his own, and as a decision Gd takes from us the cluster in which everything is. There is a man who weighs against the whole nation. Blessed is he who takes the man who weighs against all the people to atone for the people of Israel. ”

“Rabbi Chaim Lamed authored the book ‘Karnei Hagavim’. At the time he did not really know the shape of the grasshopper, and suddenly a grasshopper appeared on the window of his house so that Rabbi Chaim could see the shape. The first ones got such a thing, and that these days we saw the person who got it. The Holy Light of Life adds that even though there is a clustered person in whom everything is, we also need to repent. “

“Rabbi Chaim was a man with whom every moment was frighteningly exploited. Recently he would even greet the public with initials – to take advantage of the time as much as possible and to prevent the abrogation of Torah. Chazal interprets the verse in such a way that he who has sorrow and pain, the most appropriate time to cry and ask is while the dead are laid before us because then the Spirit of God is in our hands.

“One needs medicine, one needs a livelihood and peace of home, and one needs rest from the children. Let us all weep each and every one and take advantage of this hour, the time of desire to make an answer. Here before us is a man who has all the virtues. Let us all be a part of him “And may the soul of our Rabbi be bundled in the bundle of life.”

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