German Foreign Minister Burbock accused Putin of lying because of Ukraine | News from Germany about Germany | DW

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German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock accused Russian President Vladimir Putin of lying amid the escalation of the crisis over Ukraine. “If a person says one thing a week ago, and now the opposite, it means that he did not tell the truth. Or, speaking German, he lied,” she said at a press conference after a meeting in Berlin with her French colleague Jean- Yves Le Drian on Wednesday, February 23, answering a question from journalists about whether Putin deserves trust as a partner in the negotiations.

According to Burbock, the Russian president trampled on the Minsk agreements, and now they are “not worth the paper on which they are written.” At the same time, the head of the German Foreign Ministry spoke in favor of continuing the dialogue with Russia. “Even in times of the worst crisis, the window for negotiations must always remain open. We want to prevent a war,” she explained, urging Moscow to reverse the steps that led to the escalation of the conflict.

Painful package of sanctions

“Putin decided to act totally contrary to international law and ignore its world community will never accept this violation of international law.”, – stressed Berbok. She commended the fast, decisive and coordinated response of the European Union, which, according to her, by means of sanctions made it clear to Putin that his actions are totally unacceptable. Berbok also noted that punitive measures against Russia may be tightened.

For his part, Le Drian, who took part in a meeting of the German government, called the sanctions imposed against Russia serious and painful. He doubted the ability to trust Putin’s words, but at the same time pointed out the importance of maintaining a dialogue with Russia in parallel with tough and solidary pressure on Moscow. Le Drian also spoke in favor of maintaining the negotiations in the “Norman format” in order to find a peaceful settlement of the conflict over Ukraine.

Charges of genocide in the Donbass absurd

Meanwhile, the German Foreign Ministry called the accusations of Russia in the genocide of the population in the Donbass absurd. “We clearly reject these accusations. There is nothing to indicate that a genocide took place or was taking place in the Donbass, and this opinion is shared by numerous independent observers from the OSCE and international human rights organizations,” said a spokesman for the German foreign ministry.

He also noted that Russia, if it makes such accusations, should ensure full transparency and, in particular, provide independent observers with access to witnesses and evidence on the ground.

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