German migrants living in Germany on the situation in Kazakhstan | Germany | Dw

by time news

Ethnic Germans from Kazakhstan, who now live in Germany, are concerned about the situation in their homeland. It is especially alarming for those who have relatives and friends there, but there is no contact with them either by phone or via the Internet. None of the settlers with whom the editorial office was able to contact did not want their names and surnames to be mentioned in the publication: the fear for those who remained in their homeland is so strong. Migrants from Kazakhstan do not want to harm their relatives with their statements.

Where do the migrants get information about the situation in Kazakhstan?

Rosa M. in an interview with DW could not hide her excitement and even tears, saying that she could not get through to her relatives in Almaty, could not contact her school friend on the Internet, with whom they constantly communicate.

“When I saw that people were beheaded and that they were being shot at, I shivered all night long, I could not find peace. There was very little information in the German media at the very beginning of the events, but Russian TV channels, which many Russian-speaking residents of Germany watch, are full of horror stories I am not surprised that the government of Kazakhstan has turned off the Internet and telephone communications, which means it has something to hide from the outside world. People are afraid that they will be killed because they want to convey the truth about the situation in Kazakhstan with their video materials, “Rosa M.

Why are peaceful people called militants and terrorists in Kazakhstan?

Ekaterina F. from Dusseldorf: “I don’t understand why people who went out to peaceful protests suddenly began to be called militants, bandits and terrorists. People became impoverished, people were tired of Nazarbayev’s clans. He himself left politics, and his relatives and associates continue to rob own people “.

“Prices are rising, everything is getting more expensive, but only those who are in power or work for it live well. It’s not about specially trained militants, as President Tokayev claims in his reports on Russian television. This is a conflict between a corrupt government and an impoverished people,” he said. Catherine F. from Dusseldorf.

Police officers prepare to confront demonstrators

Andrey P. from Bielefeld says: “We managed to have a short telephone conversation with a relative on the line of his wife, he says that tanks are driving through the streets in Pavlodar. and no one showed up and no one wants to talk to people. The barrels of machine guns are pointing at peaceful people. We managed to talk to a relative for just a couple of minutes – and the connection was immediately cut off. Now we are nervous: is our relative arrested for trying to convey truthful information about what is happening in his city? I personally saw photographs on the Internet, as people, and among them there are many women, are standing with posters on which it is written in Kazakh that they are civilians and are protesting against the rise in prices and the impoverishment of the people ” …

“The fact that Russia and Belarus sent their military to Kazakhstan, I personally consider interference in the internal affairs of the republic. This is the protection of the authorities, not the Kazakh people. Yes, there are treaties between Kazakhstan and other former Soviet republics on each other’s support and protection, but, as far as I understand, we are talking about external enemies, and not about the right to interfere in the internal problems of the country. As a result, it turns out that one authoritarian regime supports the other, but now the peoples of the former USSR are not destined to live in conditions of democracy and fair economic competition while the same leaders have been in power for decades? ” – Andrey P. from Bielefeld shares his doubts.

Will Kazakhstan have its own Maidan?

Tatiana S. from Bavaria believes that the situation in Kazakhstan is similar to that in Ukraine. “We, in addition to what is shown on Russian television, do not know anything. There is no Internet, no telephone connection with Kazakhstan – neither mobile nor landline. Our messages on WhatsApp remain unread, under the messages there are only ticks that they have been sent, but not read, which means they did not reach us. Now we are getting information that Russian and Belarusian military have arrived in Kazakhstan. We do not know how to take this, but the German media do not like Putin and believe that he supports in Kazakhstan the current government, not the people. And now provocateurs are trying to seize power in Kazakhstan, and the people are suffering from this, “Tatiana S.

Protests in Almaty

Protests in Almaty

Vladimir V. from Berlin: “On Russian TV channels they show and say that, under the guise of protests, bandits from clans of southern Kazakhstan infiltrate the ranks of demonstrators and incite violent actions. I remember the footage of the capture of the Almaty airport. People are armed with bats and walk in front, but as soon as the police appear, they hide in the crowd behind the backs of unarmed civilians. By all appearances, these are well-organized militant detachments who use peaceful demonstrations for their own purposes. And their goal is to overthrow the clans of former President Nazarbayev, which have been entrenched in power for a long time. ” …

“Our friends and my family are sure that people are tired of Nazarbayevism. People have no money, everything has risen in price. Nazarbayev’s opponents want to destroy the state. to do this in Armenia and Azerbaijan, now Kazakhstan is next in line. We all judge, as they say, from the outside, but what is actually happening in Kazakhstan, we do not know. Only eyewitnesses of events with whom we have no communication “, – says Vladimir V. from Berlin.

Russia and Belarus cannot solve the problems of Kazakhstan

Alexander D. from Cologne says that “the rise in the price of liquefied gas is a convenient pretext for mass unrest.” “In fact, people take to the streets to express their dissatisfaction with the authorities, which they have nurtured for years. People are told that Kazakhstan has great wealth, oil and gas, but the people have nothing from these wealth. Who is engaged in gas production in Kazakhstan? The entire liquefied gas market is in the hands of a company owned by Nazarbayev’s son-in-law, Timur Kulibayev. This company sends Kazakh gas to Russia for processing, because Putin and Nazarbayev have agreed on this. Then the processed gas is returned to Kazakhstan at high prices, “explains Alexander …

“I have a persistent feeling that now the Kazakh authorities, frightened of the protests, used provocateurs to discredit the peaceful demonstrators. Thus, the Kazakh authorities have a reason to turn to Putin to bring Russian troops into the country, “suggests Alexander D.

At the same time, he reminds that “neither Russia, nor Belarus can serve as an example of the settlement of such situations by peaceful means.” In Kazakhstan, according to the interlocutor, there will be many more casualties among the civilian population, and the protesters will be classified as militants and terrorists: in defense of the existing government. ” “It turns out a vicious circle: the people suffer, but they cannot change anything for the better,” sums up Alexander D. from Cologne.

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